This paper intends to replicate
Exploring CNN-based architectures for Multimodal Salient Event Detection in Videos Petros Koutras, Athanasia Zlatinsi and Petros Maragos School of E.C.E., National Technical University of Athens, 15773 Athens, Greece
Using the C3D implementation available at
Data made available byt the Cognimuse team upon request.
- Video processing -t 'CRA'
-t indicates the test video, should be one chosen among videos=['GLA','CRA','.DEP','LOR','BMI','CHI']
Paths to videos and labels hard coded in file.
Saves training set under data/train_set/
Saves testing set under data/test_set/
- Running the model
runs c3d model and returns auc, saving history and predictions to 'history_000.pkl', 'predictions.pkl' respectively
Hard coded parameters in this file (following the instructions from the paper)
epochs_drop = 7 initial_lrate = 0.001 drop = 0.1 epochs=15
params = {'dim': (16,224,224), 'batch_size': 30, 'n_classes': 2, 'n_channels': 3, 'shuffle': True} params_test = {'dim': (16,224,224), 'batch_size': 2, 'n_classes': 2, 'n_channels': 3, 'shuffle': False}
Earlystop also available (needs to be commented out)