is made up on top of MERN stack. It supports both web and mobile.
It helps people to create personalized sliders to showcase your work, testimonials, pictures and much more inside notion eg: notion slider
Home view
Inside view
Features ✨:
- Google signup
- Google signin
- Logout
- Create flexible sliders
- 9+ cool sliders to choose from
- Upload your own photos to the slider
- Embed it into your notion document using link
- Sliders are updatable
- Can see all sliders which you created in your account ( live widgets section )
- Resizable slider panels for better visualization
- Toggle arrows, bullets
- Select your own bg color from color pallete for container
- Save slider in your account
The following features are under development/open for contributions.Please first create a feature issue to discuss about the feature you would like to take up.
- Testimonial slider
- Buttons
- Twitter shoutouts
- Social media share
Prerequisites For uploading the image:
- Cloudinary account ( watch this video for setting up cloudinary setup )
- For setting up google login ( read this amazing article by shivanesh )
- MongoDB account for storing the sliders
Prerequisites For Running The Project Locally:
- Node
- Git
To clone this repository run:
$ git clone
Head inside the cloned folder and install the dependencies using NPM
$ cd backend
$ npm install
$ cd ..
$ cd client
$ npm install
Next create a .env file in the root of the project directory, this is where you will put all your prowidgets config keys, take each property of the provided object and put it inside of the .env file like this:
For setting
To start the server run :
$ cd backend
$ node index.js
Now go to the client Side
$ cd ..
$ cd client
$ npm start
Wait for a few minutes after which it should automatically spin up a development server for you on the PORT:3000 & backend server on the PORT 5000 and take you to the login page
To contribute to this repository please first create an issue with the appropriate template, after which you can directly fork this repository,make changes and start a pull request to the master branch. Please also have a look at our Contribution guidelines here
MIT Licensed (Check here)
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!