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4 - Install Project Specific Packages (Python).md

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4 - Install Project Specific Packages (Python)

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We will now install some packages that we will need to manage our python project.


  • We will install pyenv to manage our python environments and versions.

  • pyenv is used to isolate a python installation and version, and tie it to a specific project, so that the project will work regardless of what version of python you use in general in your system, or in your other projects (that might have other environments).


  • We will also install poetry.

  • poetry is a package manager, that specifies your project dependencies so that other users can install the exact same packages and versions of which you used in your project.

  • For instance, if your project needs a certain version of numpy, and is only compatible with that version, poetry will allow users to automatically install numpy with the specific version, to guarantee your project will run correctly in their system.

Git and gh

  • We will also install git, and gh.

  • git is a file manager that focuses on the handling and versioning of code repositories. A code repository is a virtual directory where your code can be stored and shared.

  • We will use GitHub as the server that will house our code repository for this project. We will use git to sync our local files with the GitHub repository.

  • gh is a package that focuses on handling GitHub features through the terminal. We can use it in case we want to remotely access GitHub features (like pull requests, complex merges, being social, etc.) without the need for a browser, straight from our Pi's UNIX-based terminal.

Install pyenv

  • Run: curl | bash.

  • We need to add pyenv to our bashrc file, to let the package be called anywhere in the system (without needing to be in the program's folder). This is called and environment variable. To do so:

    • Run: nano ~/.bashrc.

      [!NOTE] This opens your bashrc file in a text editor.

    • Anywhere in the file, add the following lines:

    export PATH="~/.pyenv/bin:$PATH"
    eval "$(pyenv init -)"
    eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"
    • Ctrl + O and Enter to save, and Ctrl + X to exit.

    • Run: source ~/.bashrc.

      [!NOTE] This reloads the bashrc file in the system.

Install Rust (prerequisite for poetry)

  • Run: curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.3 -sSf | sh.

  • Follow the instructions on the prompt.

  • Add rust as an environment variable, to do so:

    • Run: source $HOME/.cargo/env.

    • Run: source ~/.bashrc.

      [!NOTE] This reloads the bashrc file in the system.

Install Poetry

  • Before installing poetry, you will need a version of Python. Any version will do. We will use pyenv to download one and set is as the global system version.

    • Run: pyenv install -l. This will display a list of all available versions of Python to install.
    • Run: pyenv install 3.11.4.

    [!NOTE] At the time of writing, the latest stable build is 3.11.4, so we will install this one. You can install any version, however.

    • Now set is as the global default, for this, run: pyenv global 3.11.4.
    • Verify this is set correctly, run: pyenv versions, make sure 3.11.4 is there and is highlighted with an asterisk *, denoting it as the global Python installation.
  • Now, we are ready to install Poetry. Run: curl -sSL | python3 -.

    [!WARNING] If this does not work:

    • Option 2:

      • Run: apt-get install pipx.
      • Run: pipx install poetry.
    • Option 3:

  • We need to add poetry to our bashrc file, to let the package be called anywhere in the system (without needing to be in the program's folder). This is called adding to your PATH. To do so:

    • Run: nano ~/.bashrc.

      [!NOTE] This opens your bashrc file in a text editor.

    • Anywhere in the file, add the following line (replace YOUR_USER_NAME for your username without crochets): export PATH="/home/[YOUR_USER_NAME]/.local/bin:$PATH".

    • Ctrl + O and Enter to save, and Ctrl + X to exit.

    • Run: source ~/.bashrc.

      [!NOTE] This reloads the bash file in the system.

    • Run poetry --version to check that the installation was successful and that you have a version of Poetry in your machine.


It is highly recommended you run this option change now: poetry config true. This will prompt Poetry to install your virtual environment in the project directory itself, rather than on your machine. This virtual environment is still specific to your machine and will be ignored by git. There are advantages and drawbacks to enabling this option. One of the advantages is that, when deleting the project directory, you will delete all the dependencies with it, thus not cluttering your machine with virtual environments.

Install git

  • Run: sudo apt-get install git-all.

Install gh

  • Run:
type -p curl >/dev/null || (sudo apt update && sudo apt install curl -y)
curl -fsSL | sudo dd of=/usr/share/keyrings/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg \
&& sudo chmod go+r /usr/share/keyrings/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg \
&& echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg] stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/github-cli.list > /dev/null \
&& sudo apt update \
&& sudo apt install gh -y`.

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