install nodejs
install angular cli
npm install -g @angular/cli
1. create a user named 'c##nahian' with password 'nahian'
2. execute the sql file named 'SQL_DUMP.sql' given in the root directory
Go to 'oracle2design' folder
create a '.env' file in root directory of backend(oracle2design) and copy these contents to the created file
DB_USER=c##nahian DB_PASSWORD=nahian SECRET=lalalandkeysecret PRODUCT_MAIN_IMAGE_PATH=./images/productMainImages PRODUCT_TUTORIAL_VIDEO_PATH=./videos/productTutorialVideos OFFER_MAIN_IMAGE_PATH=./images/offerMainImages MANUFACTURER_IMAGE_PATH= ./images/manufacturerImages
npm install
npm start
go to frontend folder
npm install
ng serve --o
it will serve the app and automatically open it in a browser
Simply go to sign up, create a new user and log in.
There is a default admin already exists.
username: "admin"
password: "Admin@123"
log in as admin
username: "admin"
password: "Admin@123"
After login, you can find a tab to add new employee (admin,deliveryman or assembler)
make sure the localhost port 3001 and 4200 is free before serving frontend and backend