People kept asking me for my configuration files so I figured I'd put 'em up here...
##Custom stuff
zsh/zshrc # My config with LOTS of macros, color settings
zsh/king.zsh-theme # My custom zshrc theme designed for royalty
git/gitconfig # Git is amazing
files.bash # Setup my soft links for my .files system
osx/osx.bash # Custom osx configuration script
Getting started? This is a simple list for people who need to be up and running fast.
bash_profile # Simple bash script (git, colors, paths)
dircolors # Customize directory colors using ls
SolarizedDark.theme # OSX terminal theme. Must install Total Terminal
SolarizedLight.theme # OSX terminal theme. Must install Total Terminal
- Install homebrew
- Install zsh
My config wouldn't be anything without standing on the shoulders of giants.
zsh/oh-my-zsh # Bandwagons are fun! Come aboard.
dircolors/dircolors #
dircolors/test # My test dir for dircolors. Run `make` to see it for reals.