Small library for encoding/decoding bencode data. Supports Unicode pathnames as of PyBen 3.0. Pyben Enables fast and easy encoding and decoding of bencoded data.
Python v3.6+
To install PyBen, follow these steps:
Using pip:
pip install pyben
Using git:
git clone
The API is intentionally designed to mimic Python's json and pickle modules.
>>> import os
>>> import pyben
>>> file_path = "path/to/encoded.file"
>>> data = {"item1": ["item2", 3, [4], {5: "item6"}]}
>>> encoded = pyben.dumps(data)
>>> encoded
... b'd5:item1l5:item2i3eli4eedi5e5:item6eee'
>>> decoded = pyben.loads(encoded)
>>> decoded
... {'item1': ['item2', 3, [4], {5: 'item6'}]}
>>> decoded == data
... True
One key difference is that the 'load' and 'dump' methods accept as arguments, string paths or path-like objects as well as an open BytesIO object.
For Example this:
>>> with open(file_path, "wb") as fd:
>>> pyben.dump(decoded, fd)
>>> os.path.exists(file_path)
... True
>>> with open(file_path, "rb") as fd:
>>> decoded_file = pyben.load(fd)
>>> decoded_file == decoded == data
... True
is the same as doing following.
>>> pyben.dump(data, file_path)
>>> os.path.exists(file_path)
... True
>>> decoded_file = pyben.load(file_path)
>>> decoded_file == decoded == data
... True
The full API includes many other functions and classes as well. See docs for more full API.
This project uses the following license: Apache 2.0
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