A place to get resources for iOS, Web, Android etc for your Software Development needs
Resource | Summary |
iOS 16 Design Guidelines | iOS 16 Design Guidelines |
iOS Design Guidelines | The iOS Design Guidelines |
FlatColorUI | Get your next color palette |
How to keep your Style code clean in Swift | Clean Style Code in Swift |
Mobbin | Latest Mobile Design Patterns |
Creative Bloq | Creative Bloq - Art and Design Inspiration |
uplabs | Design Resouces |
UX Collective | Curated stories on user experience, visual and product design. |
Unsplash | Beautiful Free Images & Pictures |
Building a Design System for iOS | Building a Design System for iOS |
Design tip for developers | How do you pick different font sizes that look good together? |
Learn UI Design Blog | The Step-by-Step Guide for Pairing Fonts |
WWDC 2020 - The details of UI typography | The details of UI typography |
RefactoringUI | Building Your Color Palette |
Build to Adopt | Intro to The 8-Point Grid System |
DesingBetter.co | Animation Handbook |
7 Practical Tips for Cheating at Design | 7 Practical Tips for Cheating at Design |
Happy Hues | Curated colors in context |
Resource | Summary |
HIG - Visual Design - Color | Covers System Colors, etc. |
iOS and Swift Terminology | Glossary |
Learn UI Design Blog | The iOS 13 Design Guidelines: An Illustrated Guide |
Apple Developer Account | Create an Apple Developer Account |
Swift Programming Reference | Apple Swift Programming Guide |
Apple Developer Documentation | Browse the latest developer documentation including API reference, articles, and sample code. |
Hacking with Swift | Hacking with Swift |
iOS Dev Weekly | iOS development links every week |
NSHipster | A journal of the overlooked bits in Objective-C, Swift, and Cocoa. Updated weekly |
objc | In-depth guides on iOS and macOS development. |
Ole Begemann | co-author of Advanced Swift |
The Official raywenderlich.com Swift Style Guide | Swift Style Guide |
Xcode Release Notes | Learn about changes to Xcode. |
What's New is iOS | What’s New in the iOS SDK |
Xcode Overview | Xcode Overview |
Apple News | Apple Developer News and Updates |
Resource | Summary |
React | A JavaScript library for building user interfaces |
freeCodeCamp - How to learn React | How to learn React |
MDN Web Docs | Tutorials and resources for Web Development |
Flexbox Froggy | Welcome to Flexbox Froggy, a game where you help Froggy and friends by writing CSS code! |
MDN - Javascript Guide | Javascript Guide |
AirBnb | JavaScript Style Guide |
MDN - How does the Internet work | How does the Internet work |
Web Development Roadmap | Kickstart your web development journey and secure a promising career in this booming industry |
Resource | Summary |
Android Studio | Download Android Studio |
Android Developer Guides | Android Developer Guides |
Resource | Summary |
Python | Python Crash Course: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming |
Resource | Summary |
Skillcrush - Terminal Cheatsheet | Get to know your Terminal |
iTerm | iTerm2 brings the terminal into the modern age with features you never knew you always wanted. |
lifehacker | A Command Line Primer for Beginners |
Resource | Summary |
Github | GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. |
Github Hello World Example | Github Hello World Project |
Github | Cheat Sheet |
Github | Guides |
Resource | Summary |
HackerRank | Practice coding, prepare for interviews, and get hired. |
LeetCode | LeetCode is the best platform to help you enhance your skills, expand your knowledge and prepare for technical interviews. |
CodeWars | Improve your skills by training with others on real code challenges |
Resource | Summary |
Sublime | A sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose |
VSCode | VSCode |
Atom | A hackable text editor for the 21st Century |
Resource | Summary |
Swift by Sundell | John Sundell iOS Podcast |
Syntax | Syntax by Wes Bos |
Under the Radar | Building better perspective |
Core Intuition | Independent developers talking iOS |
Accidental Tech Podcast | Accidental Tech Podcast |
Code Newbie | Code Newbie Podcast |
BaseCS | BaseCS - Computer Science Topics |
Swift over Coffee | Swift over Coffeehttps://anchor.fm/swiftovercoffee |
Resource | Summary |
MongoDB World | MongoDB World |
try! Swift NYC | try! Swift Conference is an international community gathering about the latest advancements in Swift Development. |
Google I/O | Google I/O is a developer festival that was held May 8-10 at the Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, CA |
WWDC Scholoarship | WWDC Scholarship application normally open up in Early Spring |
Resource | Summary |
The Coding Train | In this YouTube channel I publish "creative coding" video tutorials every week. |
Fun Fun Functions | mpj is creating fun and friendly programming videos. |
Resource | Summary | Stack |
John Sundell | John Sundell - Weekly tips, articles & podcasts about Swift development | iOS |
Wes Bos | SyntaxFM, Podcast, Content Creator | Web |
Paul Hudson @twostraws | Paul Hudson - Creator of Hacking with Swift | Web |
Orta | Orta Therox - open source full stack dev, Cocoa Pods contributor among other many projects, TS @ Microsoft | Web, iOS |
Kilo | Educator, Developer, & Content Creator | iOS, Amazon Services |
Joe Fabisevich | iOS, Design | |
Ash Furrow | Artsy | Web, iOS |
Dan Abramov | Creaator of React, OverReacted.io | Web |
Mads Brodt | Front-End Engineer & Teacher | Web |
Monica Powell | ReactJSLadies, Content Creator | Web |
Resource | Summary |
FreeCodeCamp | Learn to code for free. |
Codecademy | Codecademy |
TeamTreehouse | TeamTreehouse |
Udacity | Complete portfolio-ready projects, join a global student community, and advance your career |
PluralSight | Keep up with technology with expert-led courses, assessments and tools that help you build the skills you need, when you need them. |
Udemy | Study any topic, anytime. Explore thousands of courses starting at $12.99 each. |
Resource | Summary |
Docker for Beginners | Learn to build and deploy your distributed applications easily to the cloud with Docker |
Resource | Summary |
PurpleMath | The Order of Operations: PEMDAS |
Khan Academy | What is modular arithmetic? |
IXL | Basic Mathematics |
Resource | Summary |
Cracking the Coding Interview | 189 Programming Questions and Solutions |