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Lecture Resources (Projects, Videos)

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Unit 1

Swift Language Fundamentals

In-class Xcode Playgrounds and Projects

  1. Types, Variables and Logic
  2. Control Flow
  3. Loops, Part 1
  4. Loops, Part 2
  5. Strings, Part 1
  6. Strings, Part 2
  7. Arrays, Part 1
  8. Arrays, Part 2
  9. Optionals
  10. Dictionaries
  11. Sets
  12. Functions, Part 1
  13. Closures, Part 1
  14. Enumerations (Enums), Part 1
  15. Enumerations (Enums), Part 2
  16. Structs
  17. Classes
  18. Structs and Classes Wrapup
  19. Initialization
  20. Encapsulation

In-class Project Demo

  1. readline() demo
  2. TriviaGame

Questions Review Playgrounds and Projects

  1. Reverse a String, Find the String with the most a's in an Array
  2. Optionals and Dictionary
  3. Sets
  4. Dictionary and Closures
  5. Closures and Implementing a custom map function
  6. Enums

Lecture Videos

  1. Pushing a Local Repository to Github
  2. Types, Variables and Logic
  3. Control flow
  4. Introduction to Optionals
  5. Loops, Part 1
  6. Loops, Part 2
  7. Strings, Part 1
  8. Strings, Part 2
  9. Arrays, Part 1
  10. Arrays, Part 2
  11. Optionals
  12. Dictionaries
  13. Sets
  14. Functions, Part 1
  15. Closures, Part 1
  16. Enumerations (Enums), Part 1
  17. Enumerations (Enums), Part 2
  18. Structs
  19. Classes
  20. Structs and Classes Wrap up
  21. Initialization

Questions Review Videos

  1. Reverse a String, Find the String with the most a's in an Array
  2. Optionals and Dictionary
  3. Sets
  4. Solving algorithms and Pair programming
  5. Dictionary and Closures
  6. Closures and implementing custom map
  7. Enums

Project Demo Videos

  1. Using readline() and macOS Command Line Tool to create a Text Adventure app
  2. TriviaGame, Part 1
  3. TriviaGame, Part 2
  4. TriviaGame, Part 3
  5. TriviaGame, Part 4


  1. Daily labs on Swift Fundamental Topics
  2. Text-Based Adventure
  3. Hangman CLI
  4. Calculator CLI

Lab Assignment Overview Videos

  1. Hangman Commmand-line macOS application
  2. Calculator Command-line macOS application

Swift Lightning Round Videos

  1. Using CharacterSet - CharacterSet is great when you are looking for a particular set of characters
  2. Creating the alphabets using UnicodeScaler and Range
  3. Unwrapping optionals using guard in functions

Unit 2

iOS Development with UIKit

In-class Xcode Projects and Playgrounds

  1. Introduction to iOS Development with UIKit - MyFirstApp
  2. Recipes app using MVC Architecture
  3. Protocols
  4. Delegation with UITextField - GuessingGame
  5. Big O Notation
  6. Autolayout
  7. App Life Cycle and UIControls
  8. TableViews, basic built-in cell, table view sections, UITabBarController
  9. DatePicker, Date, Unwind Segue
  10. FellowCountries - Resizing cells, Custom cells, Dynamic type
  11. ZooAnimals - Custom cells using the Storyboard Scene
  12. Scheduler Version 1 - Modifying (insert, delete, reorder) table view rows

Lecture Videos

  1. Introduction to iOS Development with UIKit
  2. Introduction to MVC Architecture
  3. Protocols
  4. Delegation through UITextField
  5. Big O Notation
  6. Autolayout, Part 1
  7. Autolayout, Part 2
  8. Autolayout, Part 3
  9. App Life Cycle Methods and UIControls in UIKit, Part 1
  10. App Life Cycle Methods and UIControls in UIKit, Part 2
  11. App Life Cycle Methods and UIControls in UIKit, Part 3
  12. Autolayout, Part 4: Size Classes
  13. Introduction to UITableView
  14. UITableView Sections, Part 1
  15. UITableView Sections, Part 2
  16. UITableView Sections, Part 3
  17. DatePicker, Date, Unwind Segue, Part 1
  18. DatePicker, Date, Unwind Segue, Part 2
  19. DatePicker, Date, Unwind Segue, Part 3
  20. FellowCountries - Resizing cells, Custom cells, Dynamic type, Part 1
  21. FellowCountries - Resizing cells, Custom cells, Dynamic type, Part 2
  22. ZooAnimals - Custom cells using the Storyboard Scene, Part 1
  23. ZooAnimals - Custom cells using the Storyboard Scene, Part 2
  24. ZooAnimals - Custom cells using the Storyboard Scene, Part 3
  25. ZooAnimals - Custom cells using the Storyboard Scene, Part 4
  26. Scheduler, Version 1 - Modifying (insert, delete, reorder) table view rows, Part 1
  27. Scheduler, Version 1 - Modifying (insert, delete, reorder) table view rows, Part 2
  28. Scheduler, Version 1 - Modifying (insert, delete, reorder) table view rows, Part 3

Supplementary Projects

  1. UpdatingFont - using unwind segue to pass data back from a view controller and prepare(for segue: ) to pass data forward to a view controller

Github Videos

  1. Creating and pushing a Github project from Xcode


  1. Three Card Monte
  2. ColorGuessingGame
  3. TextTwist - UITextField, UITextFieldDelegate
  4. TicTacToe
  5. Autolayout-Lab
  6. CardGenerator - UIControls, e.g UIStepper, UISegmentedConrol
  7. TableView-Sections-Lab
  8. Multiple-MVC-Lab (segue and pass data between view controllers)
  9. ZooAnimals - custom cells, subclassing UITableViewCell, push segue
  10. Game of Thrones - table view sections, push segue
  11. UpdatingFont - using unwind segue to update the cell label fonts of a previous view controller), modal presentation segue
  12. GroceryList - editing table view rows (insert, delete, reoder) in a sectioned table view, modal presentation segue

Lab Assignment Overview Videos

  1. Tic Tac Toe
  2. Hangman iOS app

Unit 3

Networking in iOS - Parsing JSON, RESTFul Web APIs, Concurrency and GCD, URLSession

In-class Xcode Projects and Playgrounds

  1. Introduction to the Internet and JSON Parsing in Playgrounds
  2. TopStories - Parsing Local JSON from the App Bundle
  3. ChallengeCalculator - Introduction to Unit Testing, XCTest
  4. RandomUserApp - Test-driven development (TDD)
  5. Using URLSession to fetch Web Data
  6. Introduction to Concurrency and Grand Central Dispatch
  7. URLSession Wrapper - NetworkHelper
  8. ARC - Memory Management
  9. AstronomyPhotos - Image handling in cells
  10. RecipeSearch - API Authentication using API Keys
  11. LabQuestions - Making POST Requests (Uploading Data to a Web API)

Lecture Videos

  1. Introduction to the Internet and JSON Parsing in Playgrounds - Part 1
  2. Introduction to the Internet and JSON Parsing in Playgrounds - Part 2
  3. Parsing Local JSON from the App Bundle - Part 1
  4. Parsing Local JSON from the App Bundle - Part 2
  5. UISearchBar, UISearchBarDelegate - Part 1
  6. UISearchBar, UISearchBarDelegate - Part 2
  7. Fetching an Image with a given URL, URLSession, Result type, Escaping Closures, GCD
  8. Introduction to Unit Testing - Part 1
  9. Introduction to Unit Testing - Part 2
  10. Test Driven Development (TDD)
  11. TDD and Parsing a Heterogeneous JSON data type
  12. Using URLSession to fetch Web Data
  13. Introduction to Concurrency and Grand Central Dispatch
  14. URLSession Wrapper - NetworkHelper - Part 1
  15. URLSession Wrapper - NetworkHelper - Part 2
  16. ARC - Memory Management
  17. Image handling in cells - Part 1
  18. Image handling in cells - Part 2
  19. API Authentication using API Keys - Part 1
  20. API Authentication using API Keys - Part 2
  21. API Authentication using API Keys - Part 3
  22. API Authentication using API Keys - Part 4
  23. Making POST Requests (Uploading Data to a Web API) - Part 1
  24. Making POST Requests (Uploading Data to a Web API) - Part 2
  25. Making POST Requests (Uploading Data to a Web API) - Part 3
  26. Making POST Requests (Uploading Data to a Web API) - Part 4
  27. Making POST Requests (Uploading Data to a Web API) - Part 5
  28. Making POST Requests (Uploading Data to a Web API) - Part 6
  29. Making POST Requests (Uploading Data to a Web API) - Part 7
  30. Making POST Requests (Uploading Data to a Web API) - Part 8


  1. Parsing JSON - Weather, Color, Random User API
  2. SongsSearchBar
  3. Introduction to Unit Testing Lab - Jokes API, Star Wars API, Trivia API
  4. StocksPeople
  5. Concurrency - Country list, flag, Exchange rates, Weather
  6. Image and Error Handling - Comic viewer, Pokemon cards, Random user
  7. Comic
  8. Making GET requests - Shows, Episodes
  9. Airtable - Project tracker Projects
  10. Podcast search and favorites

Post Unit 3 Review Week Content

Making README's and Gifs, Working with .gitignore, Custom table view cells using .xibs, Swift Package Manager, UIScrollView, SFSafariViewController

Lecture Videos

  1. Making README's and Gifs
  2. Working with .gitignore
  3. Custom table view cells using xibs
  4. Using Swift Packages, UIScrollView, SFSafariViewController

Unit 4

Data Persistence, Collection Views, UIImagePickerViewController, Stacks, Generics, Queues, Recursion, Animation

In-class Xcode Projects and Playgrounds

  1. UserDefaults-Demo, UITableViewController
  2. CollectionView-RandomDogs
  3. Generics, In-Out Functions, Stacks
  4. Scheduler Version 2 - FileManager and Docuements Directory
  5. UIImagePickerController, Custom Delegation and Persistence
  6. Recursion
  7. Scheudler Version 3 - Custom-Delegation-UITabBarControlller
  8. Programmatic UI
  9. Programmatic UI, Xibs and Storyboards
  10. LinkedList
  11. UIKit Animations
  12. UIScrollView, UIImageView, Zooming
  13. UIKit Gestures
  14. Keyboard Handling
  15. NYTTopStories

Lecture Videos

  1. Persistence with UserDefaults, Part 1
  2. Persistence with UserDefaults, Part 2
  3. UICollectionView using UICollectionViewFlowLayout, Part 1
  4. UICollectionView using UICollectionViewFlowLayout, Part 2
  5. UICollectionView using UICollectionViewFlowLayout, Part 3
  6. Generics, In-Out Functions, Stacks
  7. Scheduler, Version 2 - FileManager and Documents Directory, Part 1
  8. Scheduler, Version 2 - FileManager and Documents Directory, Part 2
  9. Scheduler, Version 2 - FileManager and Documents Directory, Part 3
  10. ImagePicker - UIImagePickerController, Custom Delegation and Persistence Part 1
  11. ImagePicker - UIImagePickerController, Custom Delegation and Persistence Part 2
  12. ImagePicker - UIImagePickerController, Custom Delegation and Persistence Part 3
  13. ImagePicker - UIImagePickerController, Custom Delegation and Persistence Part 4
  14. ImagePicker - UIImagePickerController, Custom Delegation and Persistence Part 5
  15. ImagePicker - UIImagePickerController, Custom Delegation and Persistence Part 6
  16. Recursion, Part 1
  17. Recursion, Part 2
  18. Scheduler, Version 3 - Using an enum to manage the edit state of a view controller
  19. Scheduler, Version 3 - Persist updating an object, creating a new git branch
  20. Scheduler, Version 3 - Subclass UITabBarController Inject its view controllers with dependencies
  21. Scheduler, Version 3 - Using custom delegation with UITabBarController
  22. Recursion, Part 3
  23. Programmatic UI, Part 1
  24. Programmatic UI, Part 2
  25. Programmatic UI, Part 3
  26. Programmatic UI, Part 4
  27. Programmatic UI, Xibs, Storyboards
  28. Linked List, Part 1
  29. Linked List, Part 2
  30. UIKit Animations, Part 1
  31. UIKit Animations, Part 2
  32. UIScrollView, UIImageView, Zooming
  33. UIKit Gestures, Part 1
  34. Keyboard Handling, Part 1
  35. Keyboard Handling, Part 2
  36. UIKit Animations, Part 3
  37. UIKit Animations, Part 4
  38. UIKit Animations, Part 5
  39. NYTTopStories, Part 1 - Setting up UITabBarController and UICollectionView programmatically
  40. NYTTopStories, Part 2 - Adding unit test, create model, API client, .gitignore
  41. NYTTopStories, Part 3 - Custom view cell, integrating API client
  42. NYTTopStories, Part 4 - Setting up Detail View controller and segue
  43. NYTTopStories, Part 5 - Segue programmatically, data persistence and delegation
  44. NYTTopStories, Part 6 - Congiguring number of items per row in a collection view, empty states
  45. NYTTopStories, Part 7 - Programmatically setting up a UIButton, custom delegation, Action sheet
  46. NYTTopStories, Part 8 - Delete from documents directory, UIPickerView in code
  47. NYTTopStories, Part 9 - Using UserDefaults to keep track of user's News Section
  48. NYTTopStories, Part 10 - Programmatically setting up a long press gesture and transition animation
  49. NYTTopStories, Part 11 - Searching, dismissing the keyboard when scroll is detected

Unit 5

Local Notifications, CoreLocation, MapKit, Firebase, CoreData, KVO

In-class Xcode Projects and Playgrounds

  1. LocalNofitications
  2. CoreLocation
  3. MapKitDemo
  4. CocoaPods Demo
  5. Firebase-Demo (Marketplace app)

Lecture Videos

  1. Local Notifications, Part 1
  2. Local Nofifications, Part 2
  3. CoreLocation, MapKit, Part 1
  4. CoreLocation, MapKit, Part 2
  5. CoreLocation, MapKit, Part 3
  6. MapKit, Part 1
  7. MapKit, Part 2
  8. CocoaPods, Part 1
  9. CocoaPods, Part 2
  10. CocoaPods, Part 3
  11. Introduction to Firebase and Authentication
  12. Firebase Firestore, Part 1
  13. Firebase Firestore, Part 2
  14. Firebase Storage, Part 1
  15. Firebase Storage, Part 2
  16. Firebase - users collection, delete item
  17. Firebase - setting the comment UI
  18. Firebase - comments, sub-collections
  19. Firebase - querying a collection, favoriting an item
  20. Firebase - fetching and presenting favorites
  21. Firebase - show a specific user's items, custom delegation

Unit 6 - CTA, Capstone

Repo Link CoreData - Number Facts

Unit 7 - Job Readiness, Job Search

Repo Link

Data Structures and Algorithms

Data Structures and Algorithms

In-class Xcode Projects and Playgrounds

  1. Reverse a String, Find the String with the most a's in an Array
  2. Optionals and Dictionary
  3. Sets
  4. Dictionary and Closures
  5. Closures and Implementing a custom map function
  6. Enums
  7. Big O Notation
  8. Generics, In-Out Functions, Stacks
  9. Recursion
  10. LinkedList
  11. Queues - Implementation using an array
  12. Bubble sort
  13. Insertion sort
  14. Quick Sort
  15. Merge Sort
  16. Binary Search
  17. Binary Tree - Breadth-first traversal

Lecture Videos

  1. Reverse a String, Find the String with the most a's in an Array
  2. Optionals and Dictionary
  3. Sets
  4. Solving algorithms and Pair programming
  5. Dictionary and Closures
  6. Closures and implementing custom map
  7. Enums
  8. Big O Notation
  9. Generics, In-Out Functions, Stacks
  10. Recursion, Part 1
  11. Recursion, Part 2
  12. Recursion, Part 3
  13. Linked List, Part 1
  14. Linked List, Part 2
  15. Queue implementation using an array
  16. Bubble Sort
  17. Insertion Sort
  18. Quick Sort
  19. Merge Sort
  20. Binary Search
  21. Binary Tree - Breadth-first traversal

Cheat sheets

Cheat sheets for delegation, git, etc
  1. Custom delegation flow
  2. Git branching
  3. Dependency Injection
  4. Programmatically settting up the SceneDelegate


Pursuit lectures and projects starting from Unit 1 to Job Search to your first iOS developer role. πŸš€






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