This card game known as Cheat, Bullshit or I Doubt It is based on deception. Get rid of your cards as fast as you can but if your opponent catches you cheating you will pick up all the cards put down.
This app requires MongoDB to be running and to have a database called 'cheat'. To start the app on a mac go to your terminal. Type cd and drag the Javascript Game folder into the terminal to get its directory or change to the directory manually. When in the directory type the command node app to start the server. Then go to your browser (Chrome) and type in localhost:8080. You can open this app in multiple browsers and play multiple 2 player games.
Mac Book Pro 2012, Atom 1.21.0 (Text Editor) and using Node v8.9.3.
This project was tested using Chrome.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.