- searchable
- info cards with lots of properties for every element
- info cards are stored in csv format and can be easily extended by adding more columns
Copy the data file to $XDG_DATA_HOME/pt.sh
mkdir -p $XDG_DATA_HOME/pt.sh && cp pt.csv $XDG_DATA_HOME/pt.sh
Usage: pt.sh [option] [element]
Print the periodic table of element.
Positional arguments:
element [optional] One or multiple elements to be highlighted
-h, --help print help
-s, --shell highlight s,p,d, and f elements
-g, --group group elements of the periodic table
-c, --card print detailed info for an element
The file with the data for the info cards is stored in `echo $XDG_DATA_HOME/pt/table.csv`.
A custom path can be set in the PT_PATH variable.