Releases: alexdobin/STAR
2.6.1c minor bug fix
STAR 2.6.1c 2018/10/17
- Enforced the consistent choice of supplementary chimeric alignments for overlapping mates.
STAR 2.6.1a 2018/08/14
- Process substitution can now be used with zipped VCF files, e.g. --varVCFfile <(zcat vcf.gz)
- Implemented fatal error exception if no SNPs are found in VCF files.
- Implemented --chimOutJunctionFormat 1 option to output some metadata (command lines and basic mapping statistics) at the end of Chimeric.out.junction file.
- The default value of --peOverlapMMp is reduced to 0.01 for less aggressive mate merging.
- Fixed the problem with control characters (ASCII<32) in genome and input read sequences. They used to be converted to N, now they are removed.
- Fixed a bug that caused serious problems with --sjdbInsertSave All option.
- Fixed a bug in merging mates (--peOverlap*) algorithm that was causing rare seg-faults.
- Fixed the GtstrandBit problem.
- Fixed a bug with multiple RG lines when inputting reads in SAM format.
- Fixed a bug causing seg-faults with shared memory and --outStd options.
- Fixed a bug with --outTmpDir and fifo files.
STAR 2.6.0c 2018/05/10
- Fixed bugs in merging mates (--peOverlap*) and WASP filtering algorithms. Please see CHANGES and RELEASEnotes from 2.6.0a below.
STAR 2.6.0b 2018/05/02
- Fixed bugs introduced in 2.6.0a. Please see CHANGES and RELEASEnotes from 2.6.0a below.
STAR 2.6.0a 2018/04/23
Major new features:
- Merging and mapping of overlapping paired-end reads with new options --peOverlapNbasesMin and --peOverlapMMp. The developmment of this algorithm was supported by Illumina, Inc. Many thanks to June Snedecor, Xiao Chen, and Felix Schlesinger for their extensive help in developing this feature.
- --varVCFfile option to input variant VCF file.
- New SAM attributes in the --outSAMattributes, vG, vA, and vW to report variants overlapping alignments.
- --waspOutputMode option for filtering allele specific alignments. This is re-implementation of the original WASP algorithm by Bryce van de Geijn, Graham McVicker, Yoav Gilad & Jonathan K Pritchard. Please cite the original WASP paper: Nature Methods 12, 1061–1063 (2015), . Many thanks to Bryce van de Geijn for fruitful discussions.
- Detection of multimapping chimeras, with new options --chimMultimapNmax, --chimMultimapScoreRange and --chimNonchimScoreDropMin . Many thanks to Brian Haas for testing and feedback.
Minor new features:
- --alignInsertionFlush option which defines how to flush ambiguous insertion positions: None: old method, insertions are not flushed; Right: insertions are flushed to the right.
- --outSAMtlen option to select the calculation method for the TLEN field in the SAM/BAM files.
- --outBAMsortingBinsN option to control the number of sorting bins. Increasing this number reduces the amount of RAM required for sorting.
STAR 2.5.4a 2018/01/23
New features:
- Implemented read group ID output as the last column of the Chimeric.out.junction file.
- Implemented --readFilesPrefix option for specifying prefix (e.g. directory path) for the file names in --readFilesIn .
- Implemented standard SAM attribute "MC" to output the mate's CIGAR. Add MC to the list of attributes in the --outSAMattribute option.
- Implemented the ability to input the reads from unmapped SAM/BAM file: --readFilesType SAM SE[PE] for single-end [paired-end] reads to read from the SAM file specified, as usual in --readFilesIn. For BAM files, in addition, specify --readFilesCommand samtools view -h .
- Implemented --seedSplitMin option which was previously hardcoded at 12. his will allow mapping of mates shorter than 12nt.
- Implemented --outFilterIntronStrands None option to switch off filtering by strand consistency of junctions.
- Added new scripts extras/scripts/mergeLogFinal.awk,mergeSuperContig.awk,sjMotif.m
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug in chimeric detection code which sometimes led to uninitialized memory access. The chimeric output may change for a very small number of reads.
- Fixed a problem with --alignEndsProtrude implementation which prevented the output of alignments with protruded ends.
- Fixed a bug which set non-primary bit 0x100 in the SAM FLAG for unmapped mates.
- Fixed a bug in liftOver command that output an extra field in the GTF file.
- Fixed a problem that can arise for very small genomes while using --alignIntronMax 1.
Implemented --genomeFileSizes option to supply sizes of the genome index files. This allows for streaming of index files.
Implemented extra references input in the SAM/AM header from user-created "extraReferences.txt" file in the genome directory.
Implemented --chimOutType HardClip OR SoftClip options to output hard (default) / soft clipping in the BAM CIGAR for supplementary chimeric alignments.
Implemented --chimMainSegmentMultNmax parameters, which may be used to prohibit chimeric alignments with multimapping main segments to reduce false positive chimeras.
Implemented new SAM attribute 'ch' to mark chimeric aligmments in the BAM file for --chimOutType WithinBAM option.
Implemented --bamRemoveDuplicatesType UniqueIdenticalNotMulti option, which (unlike the UniqueIdentical optipon) will NOT mark multi-mappers as duplicates.
For --bamRemoveDuplicatesType UniqueIdentical, the unmmapped reads are no longer marked as duplicates.
Fixed occasional seg-faults after the completion of the mapping runs with shared memory.
Fixed a problem with RNEXT field in the Chimeric.out.sam file: RNEXT now always points to the other mate start.
- Fixed a problem with --outSAMmultNmax 1 not working for transcriptomic output.
- Fixed a bug with chimeric BAM output for --chimOutType WithinBAM option.
- Fixed a bug that could cause non-stable BAM sorting if the gcc qsort is unstable.
- Fixed a bug with causing seg-faults when combining --twopassMode Basic --outSAMorder PairedKeepInputOrder .
- Fixed a problem with SAM header in cases where reference sequences are added at the mapping stage.
- Fixed the "GstrandBit" problem.
- Fixed a bug introduced in 2.5.1a that caused problems with single-end alignments output in some cases.
- Fixed a bug that can cause STARlong seg-faults in rare cases.
- Fixed a bug that caused output of unmapped mates for single end alignments even with --outSAMunmapped None .
- Implemented --winReadCoverageRelativeMin and --winReadCoverageBasesMin to control coverage of the alignment windows for STARlong.
- Implemented --outSAMfilter KeepAllAddedReferences option which will keep all alignments to the added references.
- Implemented --alignEndsProtrude option to control output of alignments with protruding ends.
- Implemented --outTmpKeep All option to keep the temporary files.
- Implemented --alignEndsType Extend5pOfReads12 option for full extension of 5' ends of both mates.