This tool allows you to simply deform an object using Volumes. Those volumes are gameobjects with a NoiseVolume component. All vertices of an object (using the ONBI3D shader) that are inside a Volume will be deformed according to Volume settings. A vertex normal recomputation is done in the shader to allow good reflections on deformed object.
Three deformers are available : Value, Simplex and Voronoi.
Volumes blend themselves when they affect the same vertex according to their own blend operator : addition, soustraction, multiplication, division and modulo.
A mask is a volume that cancel any deformer in its area of effect allowing you to prevent any displacement.
Clone this repository and do submodule init and update in order to get the Unity-Noises submodule.
git submodule update --init --recursive
Download this repository and add it to your Unity project.
Download the Unity-Noises repository and add it inside the OBNI3D/Plugins directory.
- Create a new material and assign the OBNI3D shader to it.
- Add the material to an object in your scene.
- Create a new gameobject in your scene and add the NoiseVolume.cs script to it.
- Play!
The first deformer has to use an "Addition" as blend operator. The other volumes will use this first value as a blend coefficient.
The demo project can be found here :
You can find renders on my instagram : or on my Art Station :