This is a console application.
You may list episodes, get information on shows or download shows.
$ ./ --help
$ ./ search bourassa
Les Cris de la baie James revendiquent leurs droits
$ ./ list
1597224814 - Campus
2157713779 - Physique ou chimie
2166270270 - Pour ne pas les oublier
$ ./ list 2157713779
Physique ou chimie
2161200777 - Égoïsme raisonnable
2172164238 - La vie en cadeau
$ ./ info 2157713779 2161200777
Égoïsme raisonnable (S01E09)
Date aired:
Ruth hérite d’une grosse somme d’argent provenant de l’assurance-vie de ses parents. On découvre que
Joy est victime de racket.
Available bitrate:
390000 bit/s
490000 bit/s
790000 bit/s
1190000 bit/s
$ ./ fetch -d ~/ --quality MAX 2157713779 2161200777
Emission and episode:
Physique ou chimie - Égoïsme raisonnable (S01E09)
Fetching video with bitrate 1190000 bit/s
Downloading 312 segments...
[ ## ] 2%
$ ls ~/
Physique ou chimie-Égoïsme raisonnable.ts
$ mplayer ~/\ ou\ chimie-Égoïsme\ raisonnable.ts
You may want to download shows and watch them on the Wii using WiiMC for example. The best
bitrate is around 800000 bit/s else you may experience lagging when playing the show.
Note that default option `AVERAGE` quality should get you a show playable on the Wii without
To specify the bitrate, first get the available bitrate by running `info` on your show:
$ ./ info 2157713779 2161200777
Available bitrate:
390000 bit/s
490000 bit/s
790000 bit/s
1190000 bit/s
You can then select the bitrate around 80000 bit/s, which is 79000 bit/s:
$ ./ fetch --bitrate 790000 2157713779 2161200777
Emission and episode:
Physique ou chimie - Égoïsme raisonnable (S01E09)
Fetching video with bitrate 790000 bit/s
Downloading 312 segments...
[ ] 0%
Try to delete the cache by removing the file named ".toutv_cache" in the same directory where you run
$ rm .toutv_cache
- python 2.7
- pycrypto
Contact Benjamin Vanheuverzwijn [email protected]
- Thanks to Marc-Etienne M. Leveille
- Thanks to Simon Marchi