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This is a candidate task for Quandoo.

It is a simple React app including:

  1. Search with autocomplete for pre-defined GitHub users
  2. After typing or selecting GitHub user search request will be sent to GitHub API to fetch user info
  3. Results page displays user info (such as name, login, location, bio)
  4. Unit tests with Jest including snapshot tests
  5. Webpack, ESlint, Babel config from scratch
  6. Yarn to lock the dependencies

Home screenshot 2017-05-01 14 43 20 Autocomplete screenshot 2017-05-01 14 45 35 Results screenshot 2017-05-01 14 47 38


To run the project locally clone the repo:

$ git clone

Install project dependencies:

$ yarn


$ npm i

Build a valid js bundle:

$ yarn build

To start the project in development mode:

$ yarn dev

Open http://localhost:8080 in your browser that will serve webpack output with running app


Run the tests using Jest including snapshot tests:

$ npm t or yarn test


Run the linter by executing:

$ yarn lint

Project Structure

├── __tests__                       - Jest unit tests
├── src                             - All the source code
│   ├── components                  - React UI components
│   ├── utils                       - API helpers
│   └── index.js                    - JS entry point
├── .babelrc                        - Babel config to transpile ES6
├── .eslintrc.json                  - ESLint config
├── .gitignore                      - Ignore files for source control (node_modules, test coverage)
├── index.html                      - HTML file where React app lives
├── package.json                    - List of dependencies, npm scripts, author etc.
├──                       - Project Overview and instruction how to run, test, lint
├── webpack.config.js               - Webpack build steps/config
├── yarn.lock                       - Locked project dependencies