This is a candidate task for Quandoo.
It is a simple React app including:
- Search with autocomplete for pre-defined GitHub users
- After typing or selecting GitHub user search request will be sent to GitHub API to fetch user info
- Results page displays user info (such as name, login, location, bio)
- Unit tests with Jest including snapshot tests
- Webpack, ESlint, Babel config from scratch
- Yarn to lock the dependencies
To run the project locally clone the repo:
$ git clone
Install project dependencies:
$ yarn
$ npm i
Build a valid js bundle:
$ yarn build
To start the project in development mode:
$ yarn dev
Open http://localhost:8080
in your browser that will serve webpack output with running app
Run the tests using Jest including snapshot tests:
$ npm t or yarn test
Run the linter by executing:
$ yarn lint
├── __tests__ - Jest unit tests
├── src - All the source code
│ ├── components - React UI components
│ ├── utils - API helpers
│ └── index.js - JS entry point
├── .babelrc - Babel config to transpile ES6
├── .eslintrc.json - ESLint config
├── .gitignore - Ignore files for source control (node_modules, test coverage)
├── index.html - HTML file where React app lives
├── package.json - List of dependencies, npm scripts, author etc.
├── - Project Overview and instruction how to run, test, lint
├── webpack.config.js - Webpack build steps/config
├── yarn.lock - Locked project dependencies