A partial replication of the official SATS ELIXIA training app (that can be found on the Google Play store).
It was made during a six week SCRUM project, and is based on design documents and functional requirements that were provided by the developers of the original application, Apegroup.
- Researched and implemented the functionality of the list views of the calendar view.
Scroll down to see a detailed overview of the of the calendar view.
The workout calendar view.
A map view that shows the locations of SATS training centers.
A webview that shows details on a specific SATS training center
- A horizontally scrollable and clickable list(actually a ViewPager). It shows the number of activities of each week, and draws a graph. Clicking on this list scrolls it so the clicked item is in the center, and scrolls the lower list to show the selected week.
- The week that is shown in the list below, with number of activities(4), and dates for the week (25/5-31/5).
- Click on this pink marker to scroll to the current week.
- A veritcally scrollable list showing all activities for all weeks.
- A sticky list header(scrolls with the list), that shows to what week the activities below it belong.
coming soon?