PScribo (pronounced 'skree-bo') is an open source project that implements a documentation domain-specific language (DSL) for Windows PowerShell, used to create a "document" in a standardised format. The resulting "document" can be exported into various formats by "plugins", for example, text, HTML, XML and/or Microsoft Word format.
PScribo provides a set of functions that make it easy to create a document-like structure within Powershell scripts, without having to be concerned with handling output formatting or supporting multiple output formats.
Import-Module PScribo
Document 'PScribo Example' {
Paragraph -Style Heading1 'This is Heading 1'
Paragraph -Style Heading2 'This is Heading 2'
Paragraph -Style Heading3 'This is Heading 3'
Paragraph 'This is a regular line of text indented 0 tab stops'
Paragraph -Tabs 1 'This is a regular line of text indented 1 tab stops. This text should not be displayed as a hanging indent, e.g. not just the first line of the paragraph indented.'
Paragraph -Tabs 2 'This is a regular line of text indented 2 tab stops'
Paragraph -Tabs 3 'This is a regular line of text indented 3 tab stops'
Paragraph 'This is a regular line of text in the default font in italics' -Italic
Paragraph 'This is a regular line of text in the default font in bold' -Bold
Paragraph 'This is a regular line of text in the default font in bold italics' -Bold -Italic
Paragraph 'This is a regular line of text in the default font in 14 point' -Size 14
Paragraph 'This is a regular line of text in Courier New font' -Font 'Courier New'
Paragraph "This is a regular line of text indented 0 tab stops with the computer name as data: $env:COMPUTERNAME"
Paragraph "This is a regular line of text indented 0 tab stops with the computer name as data in bold: $env:COMPUTERNAME" -Bold
Paragraph "This is a regular line of text indented 0 tab stops with the computer name as data in bold italics: $env:COMPUTERNAME" -Bold -Italic
Paragraph "This is a regular line of text indented 0 tab stops with the computer name as data in 14 point bold italics: $env:COMPUTERNAME" -Bold -Italic -Size 14
Paragraph "This is a regular line of text indented 0 tab stops with the computer name as data in 8 point Courier New bold italics: $env:COMPUTERNAME" -Bold -Italic -Size 8 -Font 'Courier New'
$services = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -Property DisplayName, State, StartMode | Sort-Object -Property DisplayName
Style -Name 'Stopped Service' -Color White -BackgroundColor Firebrick -Bold
Section -Style Heading1 'Standard-Style Tables' {
Section -Style Heading2 'Autofit Width Autofit Cell No Highlighting' {
Paragraph -Style Heading3 'Example of an autofit table width, autofit contents and no cell highlighting.'
Paragraph "Services ($($services.Count) Services found):"
$services | Table -Columns DisplayName,State,StartMode -Headers 'Display Name','Status','Startup Type' -Width 0
Section -Style Heading2 'Full Width Autofit Cell Highlighting' {
Paragraph -Style Heading3 'Example of a full width table with autofit columns and individual cell highlighting.'
Paragraph "Services ($($services.Count) Services found):"
<# Highlight individual cells with "StoppedService" style where state = stopped and startup = auto #>
$stoppedAutoServicesCell = $services.Clone()
$stoppedAutoServicesCell | Where { $_.State -eq 'Stopped' -and $_.StartMode -eq 'Auto'} | Set-Style -Property State -Style StoppedService
$stoppedAutoServicesCell | Table -Columns DisplayName,State,StartMode -Headers 'Display Name','Status','Startup Type' -Tabs 1
} | Export-Document -Path ~\Desktop -Format Word,Html,Text -Verbose
For more detailed infomation on the documentation DSL, see about_Document.
Pscribo can export documentation in a variety of formats and currently supports creation of text, xml, html and Microsoft Word formats.
Example Html Document Download
Example Word Document Download
Example text Document Download
Additional "plugins" can be created to support future formats if required. For more detailed information on creating a "plugin" see about_Plugins.
The PScribo preview is currently available as a Powershell module in the PowerShell gallery and in future, will also be provided as a "bundle" to enable easy integration into existing scripts. The bundle release permits dot-sourcing the PowerShell functions or being placed in its entirety at the beginning of an existing PowerShell .ps1 file.
Requires Powershell 3.0 or later.
If you find it useful, unearth any bugs or have any suggestions for improvements, feel free to add an issue or place a comment at the project home page.
- Automatic (via PowerShell Gallery:
- Run 'Install-Module PScribo'.
- Run 'Import-Module PScribo'.
- Manual:
- Download and unblock the latest .zip file.
- Extract the .zip into your $PSModulePath, e.g. ~\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules.
- Ensure the extracted folder is named 'PScribo'.
- Run 'Import-Module PScribo'.
For an introduction to the PScribo framework, you can view the presentation given at the PowerShell Summit Europe 2015.
- Fixes "Non-negative number required" errors in text TOC output (#77)
- Fixes Html TOC section hyperlinks with duplicate names (#74)
- Adds warning to errant Document pipeline output
- Adds tab/indentation support to
headers (#73) - Removes trailing spaces from text table output (#67)
- Fixes $null Html output and [String]::Empty Word output (#72)
- Fixes custom table style default border color output (#71)
- Fixes bundle creation after internal directory restructure
- Fixes XML output appending rather than overwriting existing files
- Fixes unit tests for Pester v4.x compatibility
- Fixes [DateTime] discrepancy in Word and Html table output (#68)
- Fixes errors importing module on non-English locales (#63)
- Corrects PowerShell Core
environment variable rename
- Adds default styles for heading levels 4 - 6 (#59)
- Fixes $PSVersionTable.PSEdition strict mode detection errors on PS3 and PS4
- Fixes bug with nested HTML section output depth warning (#57)
- Adds ClassId parameter to TOC for HTML output
- Renames 'Hide' parameter to 'Hidden' on Style keyword
- Adds 'Hide' alias for backwards compatibility
- Fixes errors importing localized data on en-US systems (#49)
- Supports hiding styles, e.g. in MS Word (#32)
- Fixes Html and Word decimal localisation issues (#6, #42)
- Adds support for CRLFs in paragraphs and table cells (#46)
- Adds Core PowerShell (v6.0.0) support
- Fixes tests in Pester v4
- Adds
method to merge document, plugin and runtime options (#24) - Adds
option toExport-Document
(#25) - Renames
(#18)- Adds
alias for backwards compatibility
- Adds