Managed with homesick:
gem install homesick
homesick clone [email protected]:aleontiev/dotfiles.git
homesick link
Includes custom plugins and aliases for zsh (oh-my-zsh), vim (Vundle), and git.
# homesick/dotfiles
alias hs="homesick"
alias hss="hs status"
alias hsc="hs commit"
alias hsp="hs push"
alias hspl="hs pull"
alias hsa="(cd $DOT; git add -A;)"
alias hsup="hsa && hsc && hsp"
alias hsd="hs diff"
alias hsl="hs link"
# git
alias ggs="git status"
alias ggd="git diff --color"
alias ggc="git commit"
alias gga="git add"
alias ggrm="git remove"
alias ggm="git merge"
alias ggp="git push origin $(current_branch)"
alias ggf="git fetch"
alias ggl="git log"
alias ggco="git checkout"
alias ggpl="git pull origin $(current_branch)"
alias ggca="gga -A && ggc -av" # commit all
alias ggup="ggca && ggp" # commit all and push
alias ggb="ggco -b"
alias ggr="git remote"
alias ggrv="ggr -v"
alias ggra="ggr add"
alias ggrrm="ggr remove"
# zsh
alias zup="source ~/.zshrc"
alias zed="vim ~/.zshrc"
<CTRL+T>: fuzzy file search rooted at current directory
<CTRL+R>: fuzzy history search
,t: file search
,n: next file
,p: prev file
,w: write
,q: quit
,wq: write and quit
,f: format
,gs: git status
,gd: git diff