This application requires:
- Ruby 2.3.3
- Rails
RedGuide - CI tool for support of IaaC (Infrastructure as a Code) and TDI (Test Driven Infrastructure) approaches in you Chef cookbook development.
- Clone this repo
- Install mysql client package if you are going to store data in mysql database
- Install rvm:
- Using rvm create a custom gemset for this project
rvm gemset create <gemsetname>
rvm gemset use <gemsetname>
- Install bundle gem:
gem install bundle
- Switch to the project directory and run the command below:
cd <path_to_project>
bundle install
- copy .env .secret .database *.yml example files
- Configure .secret file by editing credentials
- Configure database connection, create dev, test and prod databases if needed
- Type bellow commands to generate database structure and fill it with initial data
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
- Сlone redguide-cli:
- Initiate RedGuide cli config file, that will be placed in ~/.redguide.yml to access redguide:
http://localhost:3000 --user [email protected] --password 123456789
Aleksey Hariton ([email protected])