brand-colors is a collection of colors works available in sass, less, stylus and css
npm install brand-colors
bower install brand-colors
@import 'bower_components/brand-colors/dist/latest/scss/brand-colors.latest.scss'
.a-div {
color: $spotify;
@import 'bower_components/brand-colors/dist/latest/less/brand-colors.latest.less'
.a-div {
color: @spotify;
@import 'bower_components/brand-colors/dist/latest/scss/brand-colors.latest.sass'
color: $spotify
@import 'bower_components/brand-colors/dist/latest/stylus/brand-colors.latest.styl'
.a-div {
color: $spotify;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/brand-colors/dist/latest/css/brand-colors.latest.min.css">`
<span class="bc-spotify">This text is spotify-green</span>
<div class="bc-spotify-bg">This div has a spotify-green background</div>
Use postcss-brand-color plugin. Add it to PostCSS:
postcss([ require('postcss-brand-colors') ])
and use *-color
.a-div {
color: spotify-color;
###Run locally If you want to work on the static homepage, just run the following commands and you will get a live-reloading server listening for changes in /app and brandColors.js
npm install
gulp dev
###Brands Full list of colors A lot fo the colors comes from, so a huge shout out to @galengidman. · GitHub @reimertz · Twitter @reimertz