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SBT Plugin for OWASP DependencyCheck. Monitor your dependencies and report if there are any publicly known vulnerabilities (e.g. CVEs). 🌈


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The sbt-dependency-check plugin allows projects to monitor dependent libraries for known, published vulnerabilities (e.g. CVEs). The plugin achieves this by using the awesome OWASP DependencyCheck library which already offers several integrations with other build and continuous integration systems. For more information on how OWASP DependencyCheck works and how to read the reports check the project's documentation.

Table of contents

Getting started

sbt-dependency-check is an AutoPlugin. Simply add the plugin to project/plugins.sbt file.

addSbtPlugin("net.vonbuchholtz" % "sbt-dependency-check" % "5.1.0")

Use sbt-dependency-check v2.0.0 or higher as previous versions aren't compatible with NVD feeds anymore. Starting with sbt-dependency-check v3.0.0 sbt v0.13.x is no longer supported.



Task Description Command
dependencyCheck Runs dependency-check against the current project, its aggregates and dependencies and generates a report for each project. $ sbt dependencyCheck
dependencyCheckAggregate Runs dependency-check against the current project, its aggregates and dependencies and generates a single report in the current project's output directory. $ sbt dependencyCheckAggregate
dependencyCheckAnyProject Runs dependency-check against all projects, aggregates and dependencies and generates a single report in the current project's output directory. $ sbt dependencyCheckAnyProject
dependencyCheckUpdateOnly Updates the local cache of the NVD data from NIST. $ sbt dependencyCheckUpdateOnly
dependencyCheckPurge Deletes the local copy of the NVD. This is used to force a refresh of the data. $ sbt dependencyCheckPurge
dependencyCheckListSettings Prints all settings and their values for the project. $ sbt dependencyCheckListSettings

The reports will be written to the default location crossTarget.value. This can be overwritten by setting dependencyCheckOutputDirectory. See Configuration for details.

Note: The first run might take a while as the full data from the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) hosted by NIST: has to be downloaded and imported into the database. Later runs will only download change sets unless the last update was more than 7 days ago. It is recommended to set up a mirror of the NVD feed in your local network to reduce the risk of rate limiting. See for instructions.


sbt-dependency-check uses the default configuration of OWASP DependencyCheck. You can override them in your build.sbt files. Use the task dependencyCheckListSettings to print all available settings and their values to sbt console.

Setting Description Default Value
dependencyCheckAutoUpdate Sets whether auto-updating of the NVD CVE/CPE, retireJS and hosted suppressions data is enabled. It is not recommended that this be turned to false. true
dependencyCheckCveValidForHours Sets the number of hours to wait before checking for new updates from the NVD. 4
dependencyCheckFailBuildOnCVSS Specifies if the build should be failed if a CVSS score above, or equal to, a specified level is identified. The default is 11 which means since the CVSS scores are 0-10, by default the build will never fail. More information on CVSS scores can be found at the NVD 11.0
dependencyCheckJUnitFailBuildOnCVSS If using the JUNIT report format the dependencyCheckJUnitFailOnCVSS sets the CVSS score threshold that is considered a failure. The default value is 0 - all vulnerabilities are considered a failure. 0
dependencyCheckFormat The report format to be generated (HTML, XML, JUNIT, CSV, JSON, SARIF, JENKINS, ALL). This setting is ignored if dependencyCheckReportFormats is set. HTML
dependencyCheckFormats A sequence of report formats to be generated (HTML, XML, JUNIT, CSV, JSON, SARIF, JENKINS, ALL).
dependencyCheckOutputDirectory The location to write the report(s). crossTarget.value e.g. ./target/scala-2.11
dependencyCheckScanSet An optional sequence of files that specify additional files and/or directories to analyze as part of the scan. If not specified, defaults to standard scala conventions (see SBT documentation for details). /src/main/resources
dependencyCheckSkip Skips the dependency-check analysis false
dependencyCheckSkipTestScope Skips analysis for artifacts with Test Scope true
dependencyCheckSkipRuntimeScope Skips analysis for artifacts with Runtime Scope false
dependencyCheckSkipProvidedScope Skips analysis for artifacts with Provided Scope false
dependencyCheckSkipOptionalScope Skips analysis for artifacts with Optional Scope false
dependencyCheckSuppressionFiles The sequence of file paths to the XML suppression files - used to suppress false positives. See Suppressing False Positives for the file syntax.
dependencyCheckCpeStartsWith The starting String to identify the CPEs that are qualified to be imported.
dependencyCheckHintsFile The file path to the XML hints file - used to resolve false negatives.
dependencyCheckUseSbtModuleIdAsGav Use the SBT ModuleId as GAV identifier. Ensures GAV is available even if Maven Central isn't. false
dependencyCheckAnalysisTimeout Set the analysis timeout in minutes 20
dependencyCheckEnableExperimental Enable the experimental analyzers. If not enabled the experimental analyzers (see below) will not be loaded or used. false
dependencyCheckEnableRetired Enable the retired analyzers. If not enabled retired analyzers will not be loaded or used. false

Analyzer Configuration

The following properties are used to configure the various file type analyzers. These properties can be used to turn off specific analyzers if it is not needed. Note, that specific analyzers will automatically disable themselves if no file types that they support are detected - so specifically disabling them may not be needed. For more information about the individual analyzers see the DependencyCheck Analyzer documentation.

Setting Description Default Value
dependencyCheckArchiveAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether the Archive Analyzer will be used. true
dependencyCheckZipExtensions A comma-separated list of additional file extensions to be treated like a ZIP file, the contents will be extracted and analyzed.
dependencyCheckJarAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether Jar Analyzer will be used. true
dependencyCheckDartAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether the experimental Dart analyzer is enabled. dependencyCheckEnableExperimental must be set to true. true
dependencyCheckKnownExploitedEnabled Sets whether the Known Exploited Vulnerability update and analyzer are enabled. true
dependencyCheckKnownExploitedUrl Sets URL to the CISA Known Exploited Vulnerabilities JSON data feed.
dependencyCheckKnownExploitedValidForHours Set the interval in hours until the next check for CISA Known Exploited Vulnerabilities JSON data feed is performed. 24
dependencyCheckCentralAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether Central Analyzer will be used. If this analyzer is being disabled there is a good chance you also want to disable the Nexus Analyzer (see below). false
dependencyCheckCentralAnalyzerUseCache Sets whether the Central Analyer will cache results. Cached results expire after 30 days. true
dependencyCheckOSSIndexAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether the OSS Index Analyzer will be enabled. true
dependencyCheckOSSIndexAnalyzerUrl URL of the Sonatype OSS Index service.
dependencyCheckOSSIndexAnalyzerUseCache Sets whether the OSS Index Analyzer will cache results. Cached results expire after 24 hours. true
dependencyCheckOSSIndexAnalyzerUsername The optional username to use for the Sonatype OSS Index service. Note: an account with OSS Index is not required.
dependencyCheckOSSIndexAnalyzerPassword The optional password to use for the Sonatype OSS Index service.
dependencyCheckOSSIndexWarnOnlyOnRemoteErrors Sets whether remote errors from the OSS Index (e.g. BAD GATEWAY, RATE LIMIT EXCEEDED) will result in warnings only instead of failing execution. false
dependencyCheckNexusAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether Nexus Analyzer will be used. This analyzer is superseded by the Central Analyzer; however, you can configure this to run against a Nexus Pro installation. false
dependencyCheckNexusUrl Defines the Nexus Server’s web service end point (example http://domain.enterprise/service/local/). If not set the Nexus Analyzer will be disabled.
dependencyCheckNexusUsesProxy Whether or not the defined proxy should be used when connecting to Nexus. true
dependencyCheckNexusUser The username to authenticate to the Nexus Server's web service end point. If not set the Nexus Analyzer will use an unauthenticated connection.
dependencyCheckNexusPassword The password to authenticate to the Nexus Server's web service end point. If not set the Nexus Analyzer will use an unauthenticated connection.
dependencyCheckPyDistributionAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether the experimental Python Distribution Analyzer will be used. dependencyCheckEnableExperimental must be set to true. true
dependencyCheckPyPackageAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether the experimental Python Package Analyzer will be used. dependencyCheckEnableExperimental must be set to true. true
dependencyCheckRubygemsAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether the experimental Ruby Gemspec Analyzer will be used. dependencyCheckEnableExperimental must be set to true. true
dependencyCheckOpensslAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether or not the openssl Analyzer should be used. dependencyCheckEnableExperimental must be set to true. true
dependencyCheckCmakeAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether or not the experimental CMake Analyzer should be used. dependencyCheckEnableExperimental must be set to true. true
dependencyCheckAutoconfAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether or not the experimental autoconf Analyzer should be used. dependencyCheckEnableExperimental must be set to true. true
dependencyCheckMavenInstallAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether or not the Maven install Analyzer should be used. true
dependencyCheckPipAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether or not the experimental pip Analyzer should be used. dependencyCheckEnableExperimental must be set to true. true
dependencyCheckPipfileAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether or not the experimental Pipfile Analyzer should be used dependencyCheckEnableExperimental must be set to true. true
dependencyCheckPoetryAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether or not the experimental Poetry Analyzer should be used dependencyCheckEnableExperimental must be set to true. true
dependencyCheckComposerAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether or not the experimental PHP Composer Lock File Analyzer should be used. dependencyCheckEnableExperimental must be set to true. true
dependencyCheckCpanFileAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether or not the experimental Perl CPAN File Analyzer should be used. dependencyCheckEnableExperimental must be set to true. true
dependencyCheckNodeAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether or not the retired Node.js Analyzer should be used. false
dependencyCheckNodePackageSkipDevDependencies Sets whether the Node.js Analyzer will skip devDependencies. false
dependencyCheckNodeAuditAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether or not the Node Audit Analyzer should be used. true
dependencyCheckNodeAuditSkipDevDependencies Sets whether the Node Audit Analyzer will skip devDependencies. false
dependencyCheckNodeAuditAnalyzerUrl Sets the The Node Audit API URL for the Node Audit Analyzer. If not set uses default URL.
dependencyCheckNodeAuditAnalyzerUseCache Sets whether the Node Audit Analyzer will cache results. Cached results expire after 24 hours. true
dependencyCheckNPMCPEAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether the or not the experimental NPM CPE Analyzer should be used. dependencyCheckEnableExperimental must be set to true. true
dependencyCheckYarnAuditAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether the Yarn Audit Analyzer should be used. This analyzer requires yarn and an internet connection. Use dependencyCheckNodeAuditSkipDevDependencies to skip dev dependencies. true
dependencyCheckPathToYarn Sets the path to the Yarn executable.
dependencyCheckPNPMAuditAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether the Pnpm Audit Analyzer is enabled. This analyzer requires pnpm and an internet connection. Use nodeAuditSkipDevDependencies to skip dev dependencies. true
dependencyCheckPathToPNPM Sets the path to the pnpm executable.
dependencyCheckNuspecAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether or not the .NET Nuget Nuspec Analyzer will be used. true
dependencyCheckNugetConfAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether the experimental .NET Nuget packages.config Analyzer will be used. dependencyCheckEnableExperimental must be set to true. false
dependencyCheckCocoapodsEnabled Sets whether or not the experimental Cocoapods Analyzer should be used. dependencyCheckEnableExperimental must be set to true. true
dependencyCheckMixAuditAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether or not the experimental Mix Audit Analyzer should be used. dependencyCheckEnableExperimental must be set to true. tue
dependencyCheckMixAuditPath Sets the path to the mix_audit executable; only used if mix audit analyzer is enabled and experimental analyzers are enabled.
dependencyCheckSwiftEnabled Sets whether or not the experimental Swift Package Manager Analyzer should be used. dependencyCheckEnableExperimental must be set to true. true
dependencyCheckSwiftPackageResolvedAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether or not the experimental Swift Package Resolved Analyzer should be used. dependencyCheckEnableExperimental must be set to true. true
dependencyCheckBundleAuditEnabled Sets whether or not the experimental Ruby Bundle Audit Analyzer should be used. dependencyCheckEnableExperimental must be set to true. true
dependencyCheckPathToBundleAudit The path to Ruby Bundle Audit.
dependencyCheckBundleAuditWorkingDirectory Sets the path for the working directory that the Ruby Bundle Audit binary should be executed from.
dependencyCheckAssemblyAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether or not the .NET Assembly Analyzer should be used. true
dependencyCheckMSBuildAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether the MSBuild Analyzer should be used. true
dependencyCheckPathToDotNETCore The path to .NET Core for .NET assembly analysis on non-windows systems.
dependencyCheckPEAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether or not the experimental PE Analyzer that reads the PE headers of DLL and EXE files should be used. dependencyCheckEnableExperimental must be set to true. true
dependencyCheckRetireJSAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether or not the RetireJS Analyzer should be used. true
dependencyCheckRetireJSForceUpdate Sets whether the RetireJS Analyzer should update regardless of the ´dependencyCheckAutoUpdate´ setting. true
dependencyCheckRetireJSAnalyzerRepoJSUrl Set the URL to the RetireJS repository. Note the file name must be jsrepository.json
dependencyCheckRetireJsAnalyzerRepoUser Username for authentication to connect to RetireJS URL.
dependencyCheckRetireJsAnalyzerRepoPassword Password for authentication to connect to RetireJS URL.
dependencyCheckRetireJsAnalyzerRepoValidFor Set the interval in hours until the next check for CVEs updates is performed by the RetireJS analyzer 24
dependencyCheckRetireJsAnalyzerFilters Set one or more filters for the RetireJS analyzer.
dependencyCheckRetireJsAnalyzerFilterNonVulnerable Sets whether or not the RetireJS analyzer should filter non-vulnerable dependencies false
dependencyCheckArtifactoryAnalyzerEnabled Sets whether or not the JFrog Artifactory analyzer will be used false
dependencyCheckArtifactoryAnalyzerUrl The Artifactory server URL.
dependencyCheckArtifactoryAnalyzerUseProxy Sets whether Artifactory should be accessed through a proxy or not. false
dependencyCheckArtifactoryAnalyzerParallelAnalysis Sets whether the Artifactory analyzer should be run in parallel or not. true
dependencyCheckArtifactoryAnalyzerUsername The user name (only used with API token) to connect to Artifactory instance.
dependencyCheckArtifactoryAnalyzerApiToken The API token to connect to Artifactory instance. Note: These settings should not be added to your local build.sbt file and commited to your code repository for security reasons. They can be added to ~/.sbt/<version>/global.sbt file instead
dependencyCheckArtifactoryAnalyzerBearerToken The bearer token to connect to Artifactory instance. Note: These settings should not be added to your local build.sbt file and commited to your code repository for security reasons. They can be added to ~/.sbt/<version>/global.sbt file instead
dependencyCheckGolangDepEnabled Sets whether or not the experimental Golang Dependency Analyzer should be used. dependencyCheckEnableExperimental must be set to true. true
dependencyCheckGolangModEnabled Sets whether or not the experimental Golang Module Analyzer should be used. Requires go to be installed. dependencyCheckEnableExperimental must be set to true. true
dependencyCheckPathToGo The path to the "go" runtime.

Advanced Configuration

The following properties can be configured in the plugin. However, they are less frequently changed. One exception may be the cvedUrl properties, which can be used to host a mirror of the NVD within an enterprise environment.

Setting Description Default Value
dependencyCheckCveUrlModified URL for the modified CVE JSON data feed. When mirroring the NVD you must mirror the *.json.gz and the *.meta files. Optional if your custom dependencyCheckCveUrlBase is just a domain name change.
dependencyCheckCveUrlBase Base URL for each year's CVE JSON data feed, the %d will be replaced with the year.
dependencyCheckCveUser The username used when connecting to the dependencyCheckCveUrlBase.
dependencyCheckCvePassword The password used when connecting to the dependencyCheckCveUrlBase.
dependencyCheckCveWaitTime The time in milliseconds to wait between downloads from the NVD. 4000
dependencyCheckCveStartYear The first year of NVD CVE data to download from the NVD. 2002
dependencyCheckConnectionTimeout Sets the URL Connection Timeout (in milliseconds) used when downloading external data.
dependencyCheckConnectionReadTimeout Sets the URL Read Timeout (in milliseconds) used when downloading external data.
dependencyCheckDataDirectory Sets the data directory to hold SQL CVEs contents. This should generally not be changed. [JAR]\data
dependencyCheckDatabaseDriverName The name of the database driver. Example: org.h2.Driver. org.h2.Driver
dependencyCheckDatabaseDriverPath The path to the database driver JAR file; only used if the driver is not in the class path.
dependencyCheckConnectionString The connection string used to connect to the database, the %s will be replace with a name for the database jdbc:h2:file:%s;AUTOCOMMIT=ON;MV_STORE=FALSE;
dependencyCheckDatabaseUser The username used when connecting to the database. dcuser
dependencyCheckDatabasePassword The password used when connecting to the database.
dependencyCheckHostedSuppressionsEnabled Whether the hosted suppression file will be used. true
dependencyCheckHostedSuppressionsForceUpdate Whether the hosted suppressions file will update regardless of the dependencyCheckAutoUpdate setting. false
dependencyCheckHostedSuppressionsUrl The URL to a mirrored copy of the hosted suppressions file for internet-constrained environments.
dependencyCheckHostedSuppressionsValidForHours Sets the number of hours to wait before checking for new updates from the NVD. 2

Multi-Project setup

Use either Global or ThisBuild scope if you want to define a setting for all projects. Define on the project level if you want to diverge from the default or Global/ThisBuild setting for a specific project.


Global / dependencyCheckFormats := Seq("HTML", "JSON")

lazy val root = (project in file("."))
	libraryDependencies += "com.github.t3hnar" %% "scala-bcrypt" % "2.6" % "test",
	dependencyCheckSkipTestScope := false

lazy val util = (project in file("util"))
    libraryDependencies += "commons-beanutils" % "commons-beanutils" % "1.9.1"

lazy val core = project.dependsOn(util)
    libraryDependencies += "org.apache.commons" % "commons-collections4" % "4.1" % "runtime",
    dependencyCheckSkip := true

Almost all settings are only evaluated for the project you are executing the task on, not for each individual sub-project. The exemption that are supported to work for aggregate() and dependsOn() projects, are the scope skipping settings:

  • dependencyCheckSkip
  • dependencyCheckSkipTestScope
  • dependencyCheckSkipRuntimeScope
  • dependencyCheckSkipProvidedScope
  • dependencyCheckSkipOptionalScope

You should set these individually for each project if necessary.

Changing Log Level

Add the following to your build.sbt file to increase the log level from default info to e.g. debug.

logLevel in dependencyCheck := Level.Debug

and add -Dlog4j2.level=debug when running a check:

sbt -Dlog4j2.level=debug dependencyCheck

Replace dependencyCheck with the right task name that you use for your project.

Global Plugin Configuration

If you want to apply some default configuration for all your SBT projects you can add them as Global Settings:

  1. Add the plugin to ~/.sbt/1.0/plugins/sbt-dependency-check.sbt

    addSbtPlugin("net.vonbuchholtz" % "sbt-dependency-check" % "5.1.0")
  2. Add settings at ~/.sbt/1.0/global.sbt using their fully qualified name (including package and nested object structure). E.g.

    net.vonbuchholtz.sbt.dependencycheck.DependencyCheckPlugin.autoImport.dependencyCheckFormat := "All"

For further information about global settings and plugins check the sbt documentation:

Running behind a proxy

SBT and sbt-dependency-check both honor the standard http and https proxy settings for the JVM.

sbt \
    -Dhttp.proxyPort=3218 \
    -Dhttp.proxyUser=username \
    -Dhttp.proxyPassword=password \
    -DnoProxyHosts="localhost|" \


  • Default h2 DB user and password can be found at
  • To update ODC DB Schema for sbt scripted test case purgeDeletesDatabase run query Update PUBLIC.PROPERTIES t SET t."VALUE"= '<NEW_VERSION_NUMBER>' WHERE t.ID = 'version'


Run release task and follow instructions. Verify that release reached Maven Central. It takes up to two additional hours to be indexed for


Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Alexander Baron v. Buchholtz

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.