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Solvers for the Selective Graph Colouring Problem and generalisations


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Children colouring Human solvers for another type of colouring problem... Picture by San Mateo County Libraries distributed under License Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Selective Graph Colouring and Max-Weight Selective Graph Colouring

This repository contains the source code for:

  1. Heuristic and exact methods to solve the Selective Graph Colouring Problem (SGCP). This is an extension of the classical Graph Colouring Problem, when the vertex set is partitioned in clusters, and we only need to colour one vertex for each cluster. This problem is also known as the Partition Colouring Problem.
  2. Exact methods to solve the Max-Weight Selective Graph Colouring Problem (MWSGCP). This is an extension of the SGCP, when each cluster is associated with a weight; each colour gets the weight of the heaviest cluster it covers (hence the name max-weight) and the objective is to minimise the sum of the weights of the colours. This problem is also known as the Maximum Weight Partition Colouring Problem.


The reference paper for the Selective Graph Colouring Problem is the following:

  title={An Exact Algorithm for the {Partition Coloring Problem}},
  author={Furini, Fabio and Malaguti, Enrico and Santini, Alberto},
  journal={{Computers \& Operations Research}},

The reference paper for the Maximum-Weight Selective Colouring Problem is the following:

  title={A note on selective line-graphs and partition colorings},
  author={Cornaz, Denis and Furini, Fabio and Malaguti, Enrico and Santini, Alberto},
  journal={{Operations Research Letters}},

You can also cite this repository through Zenodo.


    title={Solvers for the Selective Graph Colouring Problem and generalisations},
    author={Santini, Alberto},
    howpublished={Github repository},

Building the solvers

The easiest way to build is probably using cmake. Prerequisites are Boost (for base-sgcp), exactcolors and IBM's cplex (for both base-sgcp and max-weight-sgcp), ProgramOptions.hxx (for max-weight-sgcp). Cmake config files are provided for exactcolors and cplex in folder cmake (boost is supported in cmake natively, so no additional config file is needed; ProgramOptions is header-only). The main cmake configuration file is CMakeLists.txt.

For example, you can build both solvers with:

  1. Create a build directory: mkdir build and move to it cd build.
  2. Run cmake, e.g.: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ...
  3. Run make, e.g.: make -j4.

Once make is done, you will have two executables: sgcp for the SGCP, and mwsgcp for the MWSGCP. Below are some examples on how to run them.

Running sgcp

./sgcp ../base-sgcp/example-params.json ../base-sgcp/instances/random/n20p5t2s1.txt bp
Reading graph in ../base-sgcp/instances/random/n20p5t2s1.txt
    20 vertices
    98 edges
    10 partitions
Preprocessing removed 0 partitions.
Preprocessing removed 0 additional vertices.
Obtaining initial solution with greedy heuristic
Applying Hoshino's populate method
Hoshino's populate method generated 18 new columns starting from 13 existing ones.

Starting branch-and-price algorithm!

Node ID   LB        UB        Pool size     Open nodes
Nodes in tree: 1
Columns in global pool: 32

Node id: 0, depth: 0

LP Master Problem Solution: 3
    New column discarded: { 19 6 0 10 } (reduced cost: 1)

MIP Master Problem Solution: 3
Node solved to optimality.

1         3         3         32            0

BB Tree exploration completed!
Lower bound: 3 (=> 3)
Upper bound: 3

=== Solution ===
0: { 10 6 5 } (valid? true)
1: { 17 7 19 14 } (valid? true)
2: { 4 0 15 } (valid? true)

You file detailed results in CSV format at the path you specified in the parameter file.

Running mwsgcp

./mwsgcp --help
mwsgcp [options]
Available options:
-h, --help           Prints this help text.
-y, --problem-type   Type of problem to solve. It can be either weighted-cli-
                        que, weighted-mip, weighted-stable-set or unweighted
-t, --cplex-timeout  Timeout to pass to the CPLEX solver.
-g, --graph          File containing the graph. Mandatory.
-o, --output         File where we append the results. Mandatory.

./mwsgcp -y weighted-stable-set -o solution.txt -g ../max-weight-sgcp/instances/wg-40-0.9-0.1.txt
Reading graph from file...
Graph read from file (0.00807633 s)
Preparing Max-Weight Stable Set graph...
Max-Weight Stable Set graph ready (0.0258555 s) 73 vertices and 1015 edges
Launching the Max-Weight Stable Set solver (Sewell)...
Greedy algorithm found  best_z 213.
Sewell Stable Set solver finished (0.000491621 s)
Stable Set solver result: 230 (465 - 235)

You will find detailed results in CSV format in the file specified with the -o switch.

File structure (SGCP)

Files and folders are organised as follows.

Folder source-code

This folder contains the C++ source files. The various solution algorithms are:

  • A branch-and-price algorithm (subfolder branch-and-price), used in the above paper
  • A representative-based MIP formulation (subfolder campelo-mip)
  • A compact MIP formulation (subfolder compact-mip)
  • A decomposition method (subfolder decomposition)
  • Various heuristics (subfolder heuristics):
    • Greedy heuristics, used in the above paper
    • A Tabu Search algorithm
    • An Adaptive Large Neighbourhood Search algorithm, used in the above paper
    • A Greedy Randomised Search Procedure

Folder instances

This folder contains test instances from the literature. There are four test sets: random, big-random, nsfnet, and ring. The instance format is the following:

  • The first line only has one number n, which is the number of vertices in the graph (numbered from 0 to n-1)
  • The second line only has one number m, which is the number of edges in the graph
  • The third line only has one number p, which is the number of clusters in the partition
  • The next m lines have two numbers, and represent the edges
  • The next p lines have at least 1 number, and represent the clusters

File example-params.json

This file can be used as a base for writing your own parameters file. Unfortunately the original file used in the paper has been lost when the cluster at the University of Bologna broke down and no data was saved. Using the information in the paper, however, it should be possible to reconstruct a config file which matches the original one exactly.

File structure (MWSGCP)

Folder max-weight-sgcp/source-code

This folder contains the C++ source files. Files graph.{h,cpp} implement an algorithm based on the Line Graph, for the SGCP. This means that, indeed, you can use this solver for the base version of the Selective Graph Colouring Problem; however, the branch-and-price algorithm described above (and implemented in folder base-sgcp) should be your first choice, as it is more sophisticated. Files graph_weighted.{h,cpp} implement the corresponding extension for the MWSGCP.

Folder max-weight-sgcp/instances

This folder contains instances for the MWSGCP generated by me. The instances have the same format as the SGCP instances, except that before the lines representing edges, there are p lines indicating the weight of each cluster.


This source code in this repository is released under the GPLv3.0 license, as detailed in the file LICENSE.txt