Java version: 11
Run Application:
./mvnw spring-boot:run
Frontend Installation Instruction
cd client-app
npm i
npm start
Code Flow:
Go to frontend app ( or clone from
If you're going with the live app you just need to go the demo and add the following credentials:
client_id: (id for the app using)
redirect_url: http://localhost:8080/login/callback/
- For this applicationokta_domain: https://<okta-domain>
Go the http://localhost:3000 and click on login button
- It will redirect to the okta login screen
- Enter credentials and it will redirect back to the frontend with the tokens.
In order to use ( online you need to change:
String frontendRedirectionUrl = "";
In AuthController on line 32.
P.S: Whatever url is being used for frontend do not forget to add it to trusted origins on okta.