Linux | Windows |
R package for basic GLM model running. GLMr
is designed to hold the most current version of the General Lake Model (GLM) for linux, mac, and windows platforms. This package does not contain the source code for the model, only the executable, and functions for handling the various platform requirements for running the model. Also, use glm_version()
to figure out what version of GLM you are running.
You can install GLMr from Github with:
# install.packages("devtools")
sim_folder <- system.file('extdata', package = 'GLMr')
Reading config from glm2.nml
No WQ config
No diffuser data, setting default values
WARNING: Initial profiles problem - epected 0 wd_init_vals entries but got 30
| General Lake Model (GLM) Version 2.2.0rc5 |
nDays 165825900 timestep 3600.000000
Maximum lake depth is 49.000000
Simulation begins...
Running day 2451636, 0.66% of days complete
Running day 2451637, 1.32% of days complete
Running day 2451785, 99.34% of days complete
Running day 2451786, 100.00% of days complete
Wall clock runtime 11 seconds : 00:00:11 [hh:mm:ss]
Run Complete
out_file <- file.path(sim_folder, '')
plot_temp(file = out_file)