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Implement basis interface proposed in qojulia#40
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akirakyle committed Dec 9, 2024
1 parent 1672e2f commit e24807a
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Showing 7 changed files with 166 additions and 49 deletions.
71 changes: 68 additions & 3 deletions src/QuantumInterface.jl
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Expand Up @@ -7,23 +7,88 @@ module QuantumInterface
Return the basis of an object.
Return the basis of a quantum object.
If it's ambiguous, e.g. if an operator has a different left and right basis,
an [`IncompatibleBases`](@ref) error is thrown.
If it's ambiguous, e.g. if an operator has a different
left and right basis, an [`IncompatibleBases`](@ref) error is thrown.
See [`StateVector`](@ref) and [`AbstractOperator`](@ref)
function basis end

Return the left basis of an operator.
function basis_l end

Return the right basis of an operator.
function basis_r end

Exception that should be raised for an illegal algebraic operation.
mutable struct IncompatibleBases <: Exception end

#function bases end

function spinnumber end

function cutoff end

function offset end

# Standard methods

multiplicable(a, b)
Check if any two subtypes of `StateVector` or `AbstractOperator`,
can be multiplied in the given order.
function multiplicable end

check_multiplicable(a, b)
Throw an [`IncompatibleBases`](@ref) error if the objects are
not multiplicable as determined by `multiplicable(a, b)`.
If the macro `@compatiblebases` is used anywhere up the call stack,
this check is disabled.
function check_multiplicable end

addible(a, b)
Check if any two subtypes of `StateVector` or `AbstractOperator`
can be added together.
Spcefically this checks whether the left basis of a is equal
to the left basis of b and whether the right basis of a is equal
to the right basis of b.
function addible end

check_addible(a, b)
Throw an [`IncompatibleBases`](@ref) error if the objects are
not addible as determined by `addible(a, b)`.
If the macro `@compatiblebases` is used anywhere up the call stack,
this check is disabled.
function check_addible end

function apply! end

function dagger end
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41 changes: 24 additions & 17 deletions src/abstract_types.jl
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@@ -1,35 +1,40 @@
Abstract base class for all specialized bases.
Abstract type for all specialized bases of a Hilbert space.
The Basis class is meant to specify a basis of the Hilbert space of the
studied system. Besides basis specific information all subclasses must
implement a shape variable which indicates the dimension of the used
Hilbert space. For a spin-1/2 Hilbert space this would be the
vector `[2]`. A system composed of two spins would then have a
shape vector `[2 2]`.
The `Basis` type specifies an orthonormal basis for the Hilbert
space of the studied system. All subtypes must implement `Base.:(==)`,
and `Base.size`. `size` should return a tuple representing the total dimension
of the Hilbert space with any tensor product structure the basis has such that
`length(b::Basis) = prod(size(b))` gives the total Hilbert dimension
Composite systems can be defined with help of the [`CompositeBasis`](@ref)
Composite systems can be defined with help of [`CompositeBasis`](@ref).
All relevant properties of subtypes of `Basis` defined in `QuantumInterface`
should be accessed using their documented functions and should not
assume anything about the internal representation of instances of these
types (i.e. don't access the struct's fields directly).
abstract type Basis end

Abstract base class for `Bra` and `Ket` states.
Abstract type for `Bra` and `Ket` states.
The state vector class stores the coefficients of an abstract state
in respect to a certain basis. These coefficients are stored in the
`data` field and the basis is defined in the `basis`
The state vector class stores an abstract state with respect
to a certain basis. All subtypes must implement the `basis`
method which should this basis as a subtype of `Basis`.
abstract type StateVector{B,T} end
abstract type AbstractKet{B,T} <: StateVector{B,T} end
abstract type AbstractBra{B,T} <: StateVector{B,T} end

Abstract base class for all operators.
Abstract type for all operators and super operators.
All deriving operator classes have to define the fields
`basis_l` and `basis_r` defining the left and right side bases.
All subtypes must implement the methods `basis_l` and
`basis_r` which return subtypes of `Basis` and
represent the left and right bases that the operator
maps between and thus is compatible with a `Bra` defined
in the left basis and a `Ket` defined in the right basis.
For fast time evolution also at least the function
`mul!(result::Ket,op::AbstractOperator,x::Ket,alpha,beta)` should be
Expand All @@ -53,3 +58,5 @@ A_{br_1,br_2} = B_{bl_1,bl_2} S_{(bl_1,bl_2) ↔ (br_1,br_2)}
abstract type AbstractSuperOperator{B1,B2} end

const AbstractQObjType = Union{<:StateVector,<:AbstractOperator}
16 changes: 13 additions & 3 deletions src/bases.jl
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Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
Total dimension of the Hilbert space.
Base.length(b::Basis) = prod(b.shape)
Base.length(b::Basis) = prod(b.shape) # change to prod(size(b)) when downstream Bases are updated

Expand All @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ end
GenericBasis(N::Integer) = GenericBasis([N])

Base.:(==)(b1::GenericBasis, b2::GenericBasis) = equal_shape(b1.shape, b2.shape)

Base.size(b::GenericBasis) = b.shape

CompositeBasis(b1, b2...)
Expand All @@ -42,8 +42,11 @@ end
CompositeBasis(bases) = CompositeBasis([length(b) for b bases], bases)
CompositeBasis(bases::Basis...) = CompositeBasis((bases...,))
CompositeBasis(bases::Vector) = CompositeBasis((bases...,))
#bases(b::CompositeBasis) = b.bases

Base.:(==)(b1::T, b2::T) where T<:CompositeBasis = equal_shape(b1.shape, b2.shape)
Base.size(b::CompositeBasis) = length.(b.bases)
Base.getindex(b::CompositeBasis, i) = getindex(b.bases, i)

# Common bases
Expand All @@ -69,6 +72,9 @@ struct FockBasis{T} <: Basis

Base.:(==)(b1::FockBasis, b2::FockBasis) = (b1.N==b2.N && b1.offset==b2.offset)
Base.size(b::FockBasis) = (b.N - b.offset + 1,)
cutoff(b::FockBasis) = b.N
offset(b::FockBasis) = b.offset

Expand All @@ -88,6 +94,7 @@ struct NLevelBasis{T} <: Basis

Base.:(==)(b1::NLevelBasis, b2::NLevelBasis) = b1.N == b2.N
Base.size(b::NLevelBasis) = (b.N,)

Expand All @@ -106,6 +113,7 @@ struct NQubitBasis{S,B} <: Basis

Base.:(==)(pb1::NQubitBasis, pb2::NQubitBasis) = length(pb1.bases) == length(pb2.bases)
Base.size(b::NQubitBasis) = b.shape

Expand All @@ -132,7 +140,8 @@ SpinBasis(spinnumber::Rational) = SpinBasis{spinnumber}(spinnumber)
SpinBasis(spinnumber) = SpinBasis(convert(Rational{Int}, spinnumber))

Base.:(==)(b1::SpinBasis, b2::SpinBasis) = b1.spinnumber==b2.spinnumber

Base.size(b::SpinBasis) = (numerator(b.spinnumber*2 + 1),)
spinnumber(b::SpinBasis) = b.spinnumber

SumBasis(b1, b2...)
Expand All @@ -151,3 +160,4 @@ SumBasis(bases::Basis...) = SumBasis((bases...,))
Base.:(==)(b1::T, b2::T) where T<:SumBasis = equal_shape(b1.shape, b2.shape)
Base.:(==)(b1::SumBasis, b2::SumBasis) = false
Base.length(b::SumBasis) = sum(b.shape)
# TODO how should `.bases` be accessed? `getindex` or a `sumbases` method?
8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions src/deprecated.jl
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Expand Up @@ -43,12 +43,6 @@ function check_samebases(b1, b2)

function check_multiplicable(b1, b2)
if BASES_CHECK[] && !multiplicable(b1, b2)

samebases(b1::Basis, b2::Basis) = b1==b2
samebases(b1::Tuple{Basis, Basis}, b2::Tuple{Basis, Basis}) = b1==b2 # for checking superoperators
samebases(a::AbstractOperator) = samebases(a.basis_l, a.basis_r)::Bool # FIXME issue #12
Expand All @@ -68,5 +62,3 @@ function multiplicable(b1::CompositeBasis, b2::CompositeBasis)
return true

multiplicable(a::AbstractOperator, b::AbstractOperator) = multiplicable(a.basis_r, b.basis_l) # FIXME issue #12
32 changes: 17 additions & 15 deletions src/expect_variance.jl
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Expand Up @@ -3,33 +3,35 @@
If an `index` is given, it assumes that `op` is defined in the subsystem specified by this number.
function expect(indices, op::AbstractOperator{B1,B2}, state::AbstractOperator{B3,B3}) where {B1,B2,B3<:CompositeBasis}
N = length(state.basis_l.shape)
indices_ = complement(N, indices)
expect(op, ptrace(state, indices_))
expect(indices, op::AbstractOperator, state::AbstractOperator) =
expect(op, ptrace(state, complement(nsubsystems(state), indices)))

expect(index::Integer, op::AbstractOperator, state::AbstractOperator) = expect([index], op, state)

expect(index::Integer, op::AbstractOperator{B1,B2}, state::AbstractOperator{B3,B3}) where {B1,B2,B3<:CompositeBasis} = expect([index], op, state)
expect(op::AbstractOperator, states::Vector) = [expect(op, state) for state=states]

expect(indices, op::AbstractOperator, states::Vector) = [expect(indices, op, state) for state=states]

expect(op::AbstractOperator{B1,B2}, state::AbstractOperator{B2,B2}) where {B1,B2} = tr(op*state)
expect(op::AbstractOperator, state::AbstractOperator) =
(check_multiplicable(state, state); check_multiplicable(op,state); tr(op*state))

variance(index, op, state)
If an `index` is given, it assumes that `op` is defined in the subsystem specified by this number
function variance(indices, op::AbstractOperator{B,B}, state::AbstractOperator{BC,BC}) where {B,BC<:CompositeBasis}
N = length(state.basis_l.shape)
indices_ = complement(N, indices)
variance(op, ptrace(state, indices_))
variance(indices, op::AbstractOperator, state::AbstractOperator) =
variance(op, ptrace(state, complement(nsubsystems(state), indices)))

variance(index::Integer, op::AbstractOperator, state::AbstractOperator) = variance([index], op, state)

variance(index::Integer, op::AbstractOperator{B,B}, state::AbstractOperator{BC,BC}) where {B,BC<:CompositeBasis} = variance([index], op, state)
variance(op::AbstractOperator, states::Vector) = [variance(op, state) for state=states]

variance(indices, op::AbstractOperator, states::Vector) = [variance(indices, op, state) for state=states]

function variance(op::AbstractOperator{B,B}, state::AbstractOperator{B,B}) where B
expect(op*op, state) - expect(op, state)^2
function variance(op::AbstractOperator, state::AbstractOperator)
@compatiblebases expect(op*op, state) - expect(op, state)^2
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions src/julia_base.jl
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Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ addnumbererror() = throw(ArgumentError("Can't add or subtract a number and an op
*(a::StateVector, b::Number) = b*a
copy(a::T) where {T<:StateVector} = T(a.basis, copy( # FIXME issue #12
length(a::StateVector) = length(a.basis)::Int # FIXME issue #12
basis(a::StateVector) = a.basis # FIXME issue #12
adjoint(a::StateVector) = dagger(a)

Expand All @@ -33,8 +32,6 @@ Base.broadcastable(x::StateVector) = x

length(a::AbstractOperator) = length(a.basis_l)::Int*length(a.basis_r)::Int # FIXME issue #12
basis(a::AbstractOperator) = (check_samebases(a); a.basis_l) # FIXME issue #12
basis(a::AbstractSuperOperator) = (check_samebases(a); a.basis_l[1]) # FIXME issue #12

# Ensure scalar broadcasting
Base.broadcastable(x::AbstractOperator) = Ref(x)
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44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions src/linalg.jl
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Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,50 @@

const BASES_CHECK = Ref(true)

Macro to skip checks for compatible bases. Useful for `*`, `expect` and similar
macro compatiblebases(ex)
return quote
BASES_CHECK.x = false
local val = $(esc(ex))
BASES_CHECK.x = true

function check_addible(b1, b2)
if BASES_CHECK[] && !addible(b1, b2)

function check_multiplicable(b1, b2)
if BASES_CHECK[] && !multiplicable(b1, b2)

addible(a::AbstractQObjType, b::AbstractQObjType) = false
addible(a::AbstractBra, b::AbstractBra) = (basis(a) == basis(b))
addible(a::AbstractKet, b::AbstractKet) = (basis(a) == basis(b))
addible(a::AbstractOperator, b::AbstractOperator) =
(basis_l(a) == basis_l(b)) && (basis_r(a) == basis_r(b))

multiplicable(a::AbstractQObjType, b::AbstractQObjType) = false
multiplicable(a::AbstractBra, b::AbstractKet) = (basis(a) == basis(b))
multiplicable(a::AbstractOperator, b::AbstractKet) = (basis_r(a) == basis(b))
multiplicable(a::AbstractBra, b::AbstractOperator) = (basis(a) == basis_l(b))
multiplicable(a::AbstractOperator, b::AbstractOperator) = (basis_r(a) == basis_l(b))

basis(a::StateVector) = throw(ArgumentError("basis() is not defined for this type of state vector: $(typeof(a))."))
basis_l(a::AbstractOperator) = throw(ArgumentError("basis_l() is not defined for this type of operator: $(typeof(a))."))
basis_r(a::AbstractOperator) = throw(ArgumentError("basis_r() is not defined for this type of operator: $(typeof(a))."))
basis(a::AbstractOperator) = (basis_l(a) == basis_r(a); basis_l(a))

# tensor, reduce, ptrace
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