kindlemail is a simple way of sending personal documents to your kindle, I made this simple application because I'm too lazy to faff about attaching items to emails and I prefer to use the CLI.
This has been tested on ruby 1.9.2 and has had cursory testing on 1.8.7
DISCLAIMER Users of the 3G Kindle will get charged fees for using the personal-document service so please be aware of this, otherwise just use the Kindle in a Wifi area for free transfers.
For kindlemail to work you will need three things
- A gmail account
- Anonymous OAUTH access to your gmail account
- Your gmail address will need to be added to the "Your Kindle Approved E-mail List" on Amazon's "Manage Your Kindle" page
- You will need python installed on your system
- Follow the instructions from google located here
- I don't like the idea of storing passwords, sorry!
If you want to run kindlemail, do the following
If you want the bleeding edge, clone this repository and... rake install or if you want a released gem... gem install kindlemail
Run setup
to setup kindlemail with your gmail credentials
kindlemail --setup
Send a file to your Kindle! kindlemail ~/books/
I'm new to this ruby game so I'm a bit rusty on how applications are packaged up, how things are done. I wrote this application purely for my own benefit, so if it doesn't work or you don't agree with my code style or the way the application works, fork it and change it (but tell me so I can be envious of people who are inevitably better than me)
This is rough code and probably won't work.
kindlemail 0.2.8. Written by djhworld.
kindlemail will send items to your kindle in the simplest possible manner
Valid filetypes: -
.doc - Microsoft Word
.rtf - Rich Text Format
.jpeg - JPEG image file
.jpg - JPEG image file
.gif - GIF image file
.png - PNG image file
.bmp - BMP image file
.html - Hypertext Markup Language
.htm - HyperText Markup Language
.txt - Text files
.mobi - Mobile ebooks
.prc - Mobile ebooks
.pdf - Portable Document Format (experimental)
Usage: -
kindlemail [options] <filename>
Example usage: -
Where [options] are: -
--kindle-address, -k <s>: Overrides the default kindle address to send items to
--force, -f: Send the file regardless of whether you have sent it before
--show-history, -s: Show the history of files that have been sent using kindlemail
--clear-history, -d: Clear the history of files that have been sent using kindlemail
--setup, -e: Setup kindlemail
--show-info, -i: Show information about the way kindlemail is setup
--version, -v: Print version and exit
--help, -h: Show this message