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Releases: akikuno/DAJIN2


23 Apr 08:28
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💥 Breaking

  • Update the threshold from 5 to 0.5 at identify_dissimilar_loci to capture 1% minor alleles. Commit Detail

  • Return smaller allele clustering labels (labels_previous) when the adjusted Rand index is sufficiently high to reduce predicted allele numbers.
    Commit Detail

🔧 Maintenance

  • Add the detailed discription at identify_dissimilar_loci to clarify the purpose of the function. Commit Detail

  • Update a function name of to for clarity. Commit Detail

  • Update examples: In tyr_c230gt_01, the point mutation of Tyr was previously 0.7%, but has been increased to 1.0% by adding point mutation reads from tyr_c230gt_50. Commit Detail

  • Rename validate_columns_of_batch_file in Commit Detail

  • Add tests of strand_bias_handler Commit Detail

  • Add type hints and comments in return_labels Commit Detail


29 Mar 02:04
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📝 Documentation

  • Update example dataset and a description of Commit Detail

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Update preprocess.genome_fetcher_fetch_seq_coordinates to accurately verify that the entire length of the input sequence is present within the reference sequence. Previously, partial 100% matches were inadvertently accepted; this revision aims to ensure the full alignment of the input sequence with the reference. Commit Detail

  • Update report.bam_exporter to be case-sensitive and consistent with directory names. This is to avoid errors caused by the difference between report/bam and report/BAM on Ubuntu, which is case-sensitive to directory names. Commit Detail

🔧 Maintenance

  • Change threshold_readnumber at labem_merger.merge_labels from 10 to 5 to capture 1% alleles from 500 total reads. Commit Detail

  • Update the requirements.txt to install a newer version of the library. Commit Detail

  • Update report.report_bam and rename to report.bam_exporter: Commit Detail

    • Use UUID instead of random number for the temporary file name.
    • Rename realign to recalculate_sam_coodinates_to_reference for the readability of the function name.
    • Add convert_pos_to_one_indexed to convert the 0-based position to 1-based position and suppress samtools warning.
      • Warning: [W::sam_parse1] mapped query cannot have zero coordinate; treated as unmapped
    • Add tests for the write_sam_to_bam function
  • Move read_sam function from sam_handler to io module. Commit Detail

  • Rename report.report_mutation, report.report_files to report.mutation_exporter and report.sequence_exporter to be more explicit. Commit Detail


25 Mar 01:56
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🔧 Maintenance

  • Remove multi-mapping reads, as multi-mapping reads are mostly reads that are locally mapped to low-complexity regions. Commit Detail

  • Create to summarize formatting functions to a module. Commit Detail

  • Refactor Commit Detail

  • Refactor Commit Detail

  • To increase cohesion by functions of the same category into a single module, we have migrated preprocess.fastx_parser to utils.fastx_handler. Commit Detail

  • Remove the packages that are no longer in use from requirements.txt. Commit Detail

  • Add read_sam in sam_handler module. Commit Detail

  • Revise the docstring of export_fasta_files. Commit Detail

  • Standardize to use dataclass instead of NamedTuple. Commit Detail


13 Feb 05:40
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📝 Documentation

  • Added documentation for a new feature in DAJIN2 can now detect complex mutations characteristic of genome editing, such as insertions occurring in regions where deletions have occurred.

🚀 New Features

  • Introduced cssplits_handler.detect_insertion_within_deletion to extract insertion sequences within deletions. This addresses cases where minimap2 may align bases that partially match the reference through local alignment, potentially failing to detect them as insertions. This enhancement ensures the proper detection of insertion sequences. Commit Detail

  • Added to include original insertion information in the consensus for mappings made by insertion. This addition enables the listing of both insertions and deletions within the insertion allele on a single HTML file. Commit Detail

🔧 Maintenance

  • Updated Commit Detail

    • Modified the approach to reduce randomness by replacing set or frozenset with list or tuple, and using random.sample() for subsetting reads.
    • Refactored call_consensus_insertion_sequence.
    • Fixed a bug in extract_score_and_sequence to ensure correct appending of scores for the insertions_merged_subset.
  • Changed the function name of report to be more explicit. Commit Detail

  • Updated utils.report_report_generator Commit Detail

    • Capitalized "Allele" (e.g., control) and "Allele type" (e.g., intact).
    • Changed the output format of read_all and read_summary from CSV to XLSX.
    • Corrected the order of the Legend to follow a logical sequence from control to sample, and then to specific insertions.
  • Updated to switch from using pandas to openpyxl due to the DeprecationWarning in Pandas being cumbersome. Commit Detail

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Added = to the prefix for valid cstag recognition when there is an n in inversion. Commit Detail

  • Modified the io.load_from_csv function to trim spaces before and after each field, addressing an error caused by spaces in batch.csv. Commit Detail

⛔️ Deprecated

  • Removed reads_all.csv. This CSV file, which showed the allele for each read, is no longer reported due to its limited usefulness and because the same information can be obtained from the BAM file. Commit Detail


20 Jan 00:58
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💥 Breaking

  • Changed the input from a path to a FASTQ file to a path to a directory: The output of Guppy is now stored in multiple FASTQ files under the barcodeXX/ directory. Previously, it was necessary to combine the FASTQ files in the barcodeXX/ directory into one and specify it as an argument. With this revision, it is now possible to directly specify the barcodeXX directory, allowing users to seamlessly proceed to DAJIN2 analysis after Guppy processing.
    Commit Detail

📝 Documentation

  • Changed conda config --set channel_priority strict to conda config --set channel_priority flexible for installation process in Commit Detail

🚀 New Features

  • Apple Silicon (ARM64) supoorts. Commit Detail

  • Changed the definition of the minor allele from a read number of less than or equal to 10 to less than or equal to 5. This is based on the assumption that one sample contains 1000 reads, where 0.5% corresponds to 5 reads. Commit Detail

🔧 Update

  • Update preprocess.insertion_to_fasta to facilitate the discrimination of Insertion alleles, the Reference for Insertion alleles has been saved in FASTA/HTML directory. Commit Detail

  • Update insertions_to_fasta.extract_enriched_insertions: Previously, it calculated the presence ratio of insertion alleles separately for samples and controls, filtering at 0.5%. However, due to a threshold issue, some control insertions were narrowly missing the threshold, resulting in them being incorrectly identified as sample-specific insertions. To rectify this, the algorithm now clusters samples and controls together, excluding clusters where both types are mixed. This modification allows for the extraction of sample-specific insertion alleles. Commit Detail

  • Updated preprocess.insertions_to_fasta.count_insertions of the counting method to treat similar insertions as identical. Previously, the same insertion was erroneously counted as different ones due to sequence errors. Commit Detail

  • Updated preprocess.insertions_to_fasta.merge_similar_insertions: Previously, clustering was done using MiniBatchKMeans, but this method had an issue where it excessively clustered when only highly similar insertion sequences existed. Therefore, a strategy similar to extract_enriched_insertions was adopted, changing the algorithm to one that mixes with a uniform distribution of random scores before clustering. Commit Detail

  • Added preprocess.insertions_to_fasta.clustering_insertions: Combined the clustering methods used in extract_enriched_insertions and merge_similar_insertions into a common function. Commit Detail

  • Moved the call_sequence function to the cssplits_handler module. Commit Detail

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Debug clustering.merge_labels to be able to correctly revert minor labels back to parent labels. Commit Detail

  • Updated utils.input_validator.validate_genome_and_fetch_urls to obtain available_server more explicitly. Previously, it relied on HTTP response codes, but there were instances where the UCSC Genome Browser showed a normal (200) response while internally being in error. Therefore, with this change, a more explicit method is employed by searching for specific keywords present in the normal HTML, to determine if the server is functioning correctly. Commit Detail

  • Added config.reset_logging to reset the logging configuration. Previously, when batch processing multiple experiment IDs (names), a bug existed where the log settings from previous experiments remained, and the log file name was not updated. However, with this change, log files are now created for each experiment ID. Commit Detail

  • Debugged Modified the specification of paths_predefined_fasta to accept input from user-entered ALLELE data. Previously, it accepted fasta files stored in the fasta directory. However, this approach had a bug where fasta files left over from a previously aborted run (which included newly created insertions) were treated as predefined. This resulted in new insertions being incorrectly categorized as predefined. Commit Detail


09 Jan 20:29
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📝 Documentation

  • Added a quick guide for installation to Commit Detail

🚀 Update


  • Updated The UCSC Blat server sometimes returns a 200 HTTP status code even when an error occurs. In such cases, "Very Early Error" is indicated in the title. Therefore, we have made it so that it returns False in those situations. Commit Detail

  • Simplified for error detection using cosine similarity. Commit Detail

  • Updated to use cosine similarity to filter dissimilar loci. Commit Detail

  • Updated the mutation_extractor.identify_dissimilar_loci so that it unconditionally returns True if the 'sample' shows more than 5% variation compared to the 'control'. Commit Detail

  • Added preprocess.midsv_caller.convert_consecutive_indels_to_match: Due to alignment errors, instances where a true match is mistakenly replaced with "insertion following a deletion" are corrected. For example, "=C,=T" mistakenly replaced by "-C,+C|=T" is reverted back to "=C,=T". Commit Detail


  • Added allele_merger.merge_minor_alleles to reclassify alleles with fewer than 10 reads to suppress excessive subdivision of alleles. Commit Detail


  • Added the function merge_minor_cluster to revert labels clustered with fewer than 10 reads back to the previous labels to suppress excessive subdivision of alleles. Commit Detail

  • Updated generate_mutation_kmers to consider indices not registered in mutation_loci as mutations by replacing them with "@". For example, "=G,=C,-C" and "=G,=G,=C" become "@,@,@" in both cases, making them the same and ensuring they do not affect clustering. Commit Detail


  • Implemented LocalOutlierFactor to filter abnormal control reads. Commit Detail


22 Dec 22:24
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Last update: 2023-12-23

📝 Documentation

🚀 Features


  • Updated homopolymer_handler.get_counts_homopolymer to change to count mutations in homopolymer regions considering only the control Commit Detail


  • Changed clustering algorithm from KMeans to BisectingKMeans to handle larger dataset Commit Detail


  • Added convert_consecutive_indels_to_match to offset the effect when the same base insertion/deletion occurs consecutively Commit Detail

  • Added to extract control reads resembling the consensus sequence, thereby enhancing the accuracy of detecting sample-specific mutations. Commit Detail

  • Changed the method in `clust_formatter.get_thresholds`` to dynamically define the thresholds for ignoring mutations, instead of using fixed values.Commit Detail

  • Removed code that was previously commented out Commit Detail

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • None

🔧 Maintenance

  • Modified batch processing to run on a single CPU thread per process Commit Detail

  • Simplifed import path Commit Detail

    • preprocess.midsv_caller.execute to preprocess.generate_midsv
    • preprocess.mapping.generate_sam to preprocess.generate_sam
  • Added tests to consensus.convert_consecutive_indels_to_match Commit Detail

⛔️ Deprecated

  • None


12 Dec 06:34
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📖 Documentation

✨ New Features

  • None

🔧 Maintenance


  • count_indels:

    • Change: Method of counting indels modified to use only matches as the denominator, instead of matches + indels.
    • Reason: To specifically focus on the occurrence rate of particular mutations.
  • find_dissimilar_indices:

    • Change: Mutation detection modified. If the p-value remains < 0.05 after removing the target base sequence, the area is not detected as a mutation, assuming the significance is due to other parts.
    • Implication: Increases mutation detection accuracy by excluding irrelevant base sequences.
  • merge_index_of_consecutive_indel:

    • Change: Merged merge_surrounding_index and merge_index_of_consecutive_insertions into a single function.
    • Benefit: Streamlines the process and enhances efficiency in handling consecutive indels.
  • Commit details


  • Addressed a precision issue in floating-point calculations where N equals 100%, leading to 100 != 100.000002. Changed the condition to "having only one key and that key being N". Commit details


  • Switched to the Wilcoxon signed-rank test due to false negatives in the t-test for data with peak-like shapes. Commit details


  • Modified batch processing to run on a single CPU thread per process.
  • Added clust_formatter.cache_mutation_loci.
  • Changed mutation_extractor.merge_loci to use union instead of intersection.
  • Added a filter for minor insertion alleles in
  • Moved insertion_to_fasta.save_fasta to


07 Nov 23:50
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📖 Documentation

✨ New Features

  • Excluded the letter 'N' except when all bases are 'N' (which indicates reads with missing ends).
  • Upon successful completion, the log file is now moved to the report directory (DAJIN_Results/{name}).

🔧 Modification

  • Changed from OneClassSVM to k-means for anomaly detection (d97d32a)

🧰 Maintenance

  • Set up weekly tests to run on GitHub Actions.


24 Oct 05:05
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📖 Documentation

  • Revisions to and
  • Added a note to the README to install gcc and zlib when encountering installation errors for mappy via pip

✨ New Features


🛠️ Maintenance

  • Refactoring of

    • config.set_single_threaded_blas
    • config.set_logging
    • utils.multiprocess
  • Verified operation with the latest cstag (v1.0.5)

  • Limited the generation of log files with every execution

    • It's troublesome to have an empty log every time you check for help or version
    • Ensured log files are only generated at appropriate times (like during or in case of unexpected errors
  • Added convert_cssplits_to_cstag to utils.cssplits_handler
    • Converted cssplits to cstag, ensuring to_html operates without issues
    • However, the existing CS tag doesn't represent inversion, so further consideration is needed on how to handle this
  • Added tests for convert_cssplits_to_cstag