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Applying Painter Edits

Anisha Keshavan edited this page Feb 22, 2017 · 1 revision

The following functions apply painter edits from Mindcontrol to the image.

import nibabel as nib
from os.path import join, exists, split
from dipy.tracking import utils
import numpy as np
from pbr.config import config as cc

def get_collection(port=3001):
    from pymongo import MongoClient
    client = MongoClient("localhost", port)
    db =  client.meteor
    collection = db.subjects
    return collection, client

def get_segmentation_mask(db, query):
    cursor = db.find(query)
    results = []
    for item in cursor:
    assert(len(results) == 1)
    subject = results[0]

    return nib.load(join(cc["output_directory"],subject["check_masks"][1]))

def get_papaya_aff(img):
    vs = img.header.get_zooms()
    aff = img.affine
    ort = nib.orientations.io_orientation(aff)
    papaya_aff = np.zeros((4, 4))
    for i, line in enumerate(ort):
        papaya_aff[int(line[0]),i] = vs[i]*line[1]
    papaya_aff[:, 3] = aff[:, 3]
    return papaya_aff

def convert_to_indices(streamline, papaya_aff, aff, img):
    topoints = lambda x : np.array([[m["x"], m["y"], m["z"]] for m in x["world_coor"]])
    points_orig = topoints(streamline)
    points_nifti_space = list(utils.move_streamlines([points_orig], aff, input_space=papaya_aff))[0]
    from dipy.tracking._utils import _to_voxel_coordinates, _mapping_to_voxel
    lin_T, offset = _mapping_to_voxel(aff, None)
    idx = _to_voxel_coordinates(points_orig, lin_T, offset)
    return points_nifti_space, idx

# the actual paint function (put helper functions above where I convert to the right space?)
def get_points_to_paint(drawing, papaya_affine, aff, img): #, outfilepath, name, authors, suffix=""):
    import pandas as pd
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    data = img.get_data()
    for d in drawing:
        if not "paintValue" in d.keys():
        pv = d["paintValue"]
        if len(d["world_coor"]):
            points_nii_space, trans_points = convert_to_indices(d, papaya_affine, aff, img)
            tmp = []
            for i,ni in enumerate(trans_points):
                to_append = {"x": ni[0], "y":ni[1], "z": ni[2], "val": pv}

                #validate affine. For some reason matrix_coor and world_coor don't always have the same size.
                # TODO: Why?
                if len(d["world_coor"]) == len(d["matrix_coor"]):
                    old_val_client = d["matrix_coor"][i]["old_val"]
                    true_val = data[ni[0], ni[1], ni[2]]

            df = df.append(pd.DataFrame(tmp), ignore_index=True)
    if df.shape[0]:

    return df

def create_paint_volume(mongo_port, query, outpath):
    coll, cli = get_collection(mongo_port)
    mask_img = get_segmentation_mask(coll,query)
    paff = get_papaya_aff(mask_img)
    aff = mask_img.affine

        p1 = get_points_to_paint(coll.find_one(query)["painters"], paff, aff, mask_img)
    except AssertionError:
        p1 = get_points_to_paint(coll.find_one(query)["painters"], aff, aff, mask_img)

    data = mask_img.get_data()
    for idx, row in p1.iterrows():
        paint_value = row['val']
        x,y,z = row['x'], row['y'], row['z']
        data[x][y][z] = paint_value

    painted_image = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(data,aff,mask_img.header)
    return outpath

The last function, create_paint_volume takes in a mongo port (which is the meteor port + 1), a mongo query (to locate the particular entry with the edits) and the name of an output file

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