Designing and tuning a convolutional neural network for image classification
- Experimentation with the topology of the neural network and its hyper-parameters to evaluate the effects on the model performance
- Building a neural network for the classification of images (fashion-MNIST dataset is used --> made available by Zalando Research)
- Design a network using convolutional layers, possibly combined with pooling layers for the SCT dataset
- The end objective is to design a network using convolutional layers, possibly combined with pooling layers and to tune the parameters, #layers, layer-sizes et cetera to achieve a relatively good performance for the Cifar-10 dataset containing 60,000 32x32 colored images (10 classes)
Techniques/approaches/update-functions etc. that are used in this project:
- Mean-subtraction normalization
- Gradient Descent with Momentum
- Gradient Descent Nesterov Momentum
- L2-weight decay
- Ada-Delta
- DropOut regularization
For more information, please visit: CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
Datasets/resources that were used: