A Jupyter-friendly 2D plotting library based on Archimedes.
adds OCaml Jupyter backend to Archimedes, a 2D plotting library written in OCaml. You can plot and embed figures on Jupyter.
Install jupyter-archimedes
by opam:
opam install jupyter-archimedes
We show a simple example of jupyter-archimedes as follows:
#use "topfind" ;; (* or you can automatically load topfind by adding this line to ~/.ocamlinit *)
#require "jupyter-archimedes" ;; (* an Archimedes backend is added. *)
let vp = A.init ~w:560. ~h:260. ["jupyter"] in
A.Axes.box vp ; (* Draw tics. *)
A.fx vp sin 0.0 10.0 ; (* Plot a sin curve from 0 up to 10. *)
A.close vp (* Show a figure. *)
Other examples are in the notebooks directory.