A sample job scheduler application using the Java API for Akka, built by Maven.
This application provides a simple introduction into remote Java actors and the request/reply model in Akka.
Groovy + Remote Akka + Http/REST Akka + Maven
Akka version = 1.3
Akka API = Java
- Install Maven
- $ mvn clean install
- $ cd akka-job-scheduler-server ; mvn jetty:run
- $ cd akka-job-scheduler-client ; mvn exec:exec -Dserver.host=localhost
The client can be run on multiple hosts (or multiple times on the same host).
To get a listing of jobs, http://localhost:8080/api/v1/jobs (assuming you're running the server locally)
- Add API for Submitting Jobs
- Job Tracking
- More real-world use case