Welcome to the Bank Management Program repository implemented in C++ using Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts. This program provides a comprehensive interface for managing bank accounts with advanced features, including account types, interest calculations, and multi-account management.
Code Demonstration :- https://youtu.be/LXPDbi3XlKU?si=C-W7HXR2XL24yR6l
* Create various types of bank accounts: Savings, Current ,Fixed Deposit,SIP ,Home and Personal loan .
Git (optional, for cloning the repository)
Clone the repository to your local machine (or download the ZIP file and extract it):
Account: A derived class from User for savings and Current accounts with interest calculation and instant Debit Card Genaration.
Investement: A derived class from User accounts with interest calculation for fixed deposit and SIP accounts with fixed terms...
Management: A derived class from Account ,Loan and Investement for modifying ,searching and generates account holders data.
Contributions are encouraged! If you identify issues or want to enhance the program, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Follow the repository's code of conduct and provide detailed descriptions of your changes.
If submitting a pull request, ensure your code adheres to the project's coding style and standards.