Proof of Concept with 2FA and PHP
Just a simple app, written according to the requirements for the job application.
- SQLite in use.
- Twig in use.
- Doctrine in use.
- RobThree/TwoFactorAuth in use.
How it works?
- The user inputs username(email) and label
- The system makes a check if this user already exists => No => Inserts user + label + secret; Yes => updates label (if different) and gets the secret
- Generating QR code based on the secret
- Displaying a new form with username(email) and code fields.
- On submit it checks for a valid user record, gets the secret and compares the code.
- Returns Welcome or Error message.
- Clone the repo
- Navigate to the directory in the terminal and type 'composer install'
- Edit .htaccess in order to set RewriteBase according to your configuration.
PS: The inial idea was to build it as an extension for the OpenCart platform, but then I decided to create it from scratch.