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Official implementation of our ECCVW paper "μgat: Improving Single-Page Document Parsing by Providing Multi-Page Context"


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Official implementation of our ECCVW paper "μgat: Improving Single-Page Document Parsing by Providing Multi-Page Context"

Install Dependencies

After cloning the repository with git clone, cd into it, e.g.:

cd mugat

Using pip:

pip install .


To test and train μgat you need to have a properly structured and formatted dataset. We provide scripts to generate one as effortlessly as possible. And this section provides guidance on how to use them.

Before seeing that, let's look at the end result of the dataset generation process, which is what μgat needs as input:

  | |-01.mmd
  | |-01.png
  | |-02.mmd
  | |-02.png
  | ...

Essentially, there is a JSONL file that specifies the list of files for each page's image and ground truth data to be used for each setting (train, validation and test). Each JSONL file also needs to have a seek map, which is a file that allows the training and testing scripts to more efficiently parse the JSONL file.

The arxiv directory is where the actual images and ground truth data for each document page is located. The name of the directory can be changed in the code, arxiv is the default.

Each directory within it is a document, and for each document there should be some matching pairs of mmd and png files, which are respectively the ground truth and the image of a page of that document.

In our paper, we used two datasets for which the generation process can be automated: arXiv papers, which can be downloaded in mass and then processed (semi-)automatically, and synthetic tables, which are generated using the text within those tables, which is injected into specifically designed LaTeX and Markdown templates to generate synthetic documents consisting just of tables.

You can find all of the scripts to help with that in this repository's dataset-generation directory. The zero-padded starting number for directories and files is a hint of the order in which they are meant to be used.

Nonetheless, the rest of this section will explain how to use them.

You can skip to the section on synthetic table generation by clicking here.

Downloading arXiv Papers

A good starting point to build a dataset are academic papers from arXiv, since both the PDF and the source LaTeX is made available, and can be downloaded in predictable (and therefore scriptable) ways.

Before doing that, you need to get a list of papers published on arXiv. To do that, you can use the provided dataset-generation/01-arxiv/01-get-csv-from-arxiv-api.ipynb Jupyter Notebook to query the arXiv API to get an RSS feed for recent papers. Tweak the start and max_results variables to change the range of papers, sorted from the most recent to the oldest.

This way of sorting was chosen because the most recent papers (after August 2023) are certainly not part of the Nougat training set, so they can be used to test it or models based on it (like μgat).

When downloading papers in multiple steps, other CSVs to use to run deduplication can be added where indicated in the notebook.

After fetching the list of papers to download and saving it to a CSV, that CSV can be used as an argument to the dataset-generation/01-arxiv/ script, which will download the PDFs and compressed (.tar.gz) source files from the arXiv servers. They will be downloaded to the pdf and tex subdirectories within the current directory respectively. So, if you have the papers generated by the previously mentioned Jupyter Notebook in the papers.csv file, you can run it as:

python papers.csv

Since it is compressed, the source code needs to be extracted. To help with that, there's dataset-generation/01-arxiv/, which extracts all tar.gz archives in the directory in which it is ran.

LaTeXML Conversion

The next step is to use LaTeXML to convert the LaTeX source into HTML. This is required in order to use the papers as input to test and/or train μgat (or Nougat, for that matter). The mmd files will be generated starting from HTML files generated by LaTeXML.

You can run this step on one paper using the script we provide. You can provide a directory containing LaTeX source for a paper as an argument, as follows:

In order to be able to run this step on SLURM clusters, we also provide the convert-slurm-pyxis.sbatch sbatch script that runs a container image on Docker Hub (carminezacc/latexml-parallel) containing the Rust version of LaTeXML and GNU Parallel using pyxis. When using that script, remember to fill in the path to the downloaded data, and the path to the directory containing the aforementioned script, and the path to the data to the one containing the tex and pdf directories as generated by the scripts mentioned previously.

Generate the Dataset From Papers

This section is based on the same section from Nougat's README.

To generate a dataset you need

  1. A directory containing the PDFs (path/to/pdf in the example that follows).
  2. A directory containing the .html files (processed .tex files by LaTeXML) with the same folder structure (path/to/html in the example that follows).
  3. A binary file of pdffigures2 and a corresponding environment variable export PDFFIGURES_PATH="/path/to/binary.jar"

Next run

python -m nougat.dataset.split_htmls_to_pages --html path/to/html --pdfs path/to/pdf --out path/paired/output --figure path/pdffigures/outputs

Additional arguments include

Argument Description
--recompute recompute all splits
--markdown MARKDOWN Markdown output dir
--workers WORKERS How many processes to use
--dpi DPI What resolution the pages will be saved at
--timeout TIMEOUT max time per paper in seconds
--tesseract Tesseract OCR prediction for each page

Finally create a jsonl file that contains all the image paths, markdown text and meta information.

python -m nougat.dataset.create_index --dir path/paired/output --out index.jsonl

For each jsonl file you also need to generate a seek map for faster data loading:

python -m nougat.dataset.gen_seek file.jsonl

The resulting directory structure can look as follows:

├── arxiv
├── train.jsonl
├── test.jsonl
├── validation.jsonl

Note that the .mmd and .json files in the path/paired/output (here images) are no longer required. This can be useful for pushing to a S3 bucket by halving the amount of files.

Generating Synthetic Tables

One of μgat's contributions, aside from the multi-page architecture, is finetuning on synthetic documents containing tables, in order to attempt to improve results on the Regesta Pontificum Romanorum, which are, by and large, very long tables.

Generating synthetic tables is somewhat more complex than just downloading papers from arXiv, though (but LaTeXML runs much faster and smoother on our tables since we don't use many packages, unlike many papers).

We released the scripts we developed for that in dataset-generation/02-tables. They are not divided in steps in the filename because some files are actually modules used by the main scripts, so we instead explain here the role of each, starting from the simplest and most foundational ones:

  • defines some classes that have methods to get a certain amount of words or characters. They are used when injecting text into table cells. We designed the classes to be easily replaceable in case a different text source should be used instead of text from arxiv papers. In fact, we also include an implementation for a class that fetches characters from the generic_sentences within the generics_kb HuggingFace dataset. We never used it because it: in the rest of our code we just use ArxivSource.

  • defines some constants which determine the type of synthetic documents which will be generated. Two kinds of tables are generated:

    1. Markdown tables, for which md_test_settings lists the settings when it comes to the number of words contained in each column for each row. Each element in md_test_settings is a different setting, and each setting is a list of rows, and for each row we have a list of numbers. Each number represents the word count for the cell in that row and in that column. In the file you'll find list comprehensions creating lists composed of duplicated three-value lists used to define the settings, since we only tested three-column tables with each column having a different word counts, but with all rows being equal to each other (not exactly the same, just equal in terms of word count for each column, since the words are sampled separately, so each row ends up being different from the other in terms of content and character count).
    2. LaTeX tables, for which we have three different features on which to define settigns, and we generate tables for all combinations of those features:
    • latex_test_settings_rows which words just like md_test_settings, but for LaTeX tables: it specifies word count for each row and column
    • latex_test_settings_col_widths: since LaTeX tables can have different widths for different columns, here we specify the width of each column for each test setting;
    • latex_test_settings_total_width: since LaTeX tables don't have to take up all of the available space in the table, this is a list of the amount to multiply the page width by to get the table width. In essence, it is a list of table widths relative to the page width.

    For both LaTeX and Markdown tables, all test settings are combined with all of the templates listed in that same file. Those templates are from this repo.

  • is the code that actually generates the Markdown or LaTeX code given a test setting.

  • In you have some constants you can use to specify the paths to the templates, and the output directory for the dataset to be generated. The two functions are used to generate the path to a single output file given those paths and the test setting.

  • is a script that uses all of the aforementioned files to generate the LaTeX and Markdown tables. It also generates PDFs for them using the templates specified in the test settings.

  • is a script and is necessary because, since LaTeXML is very finicky and prone to failure, it sometimes struggles with some templates, either failing or taking very long. The ground truth data is the same for all templates, though, so this script can be used to replace all the LaTeXML-generated HTML files (which are only used for ground truth generation) with those of a specific known-good template, for example newsprint.

All files listed from here on are scripts specifically meant for running analysis on the impact of different table features on model performance to evaluate the optimal test settings:

  •, which splits a generated dataset into many datasets, each isolating a different feature and template, for all possible combinations.
  • generates JSONL indices for each of the dataset splits generated by the aforementioned
  • runs two different models (the one which would be reached by BASE_FIRST_CMD, and the one which would be reached by BASE_SECOND_CMD) on all of the dataset splits.
  • is nougat_json_to_csv's (more about it here) more specialized "parent": it was developed earlier it and is specifically meant to be used for tables to get results split by each setting, it is still there as a more specialized version of that script: it greatly simplifies analyzing performance on tables when trying to understand the impact of each table feature separately. It requires having the results


To train or fine tune a μgat model, run

python --config path/to/config.yaml

The config may contain, in addition to the usual parameters found in Nougat's config, also the adapter_layers and adapter_tokens values, which are self-explanatory values used to initialize the multi-page adapter.


Check out the release page here on GitHub to get our pretrained weights.

To generate a JSON file (at /path/to/results) containing detailed results (all metrics both divided by document and combined), run the following:

python --checkpoint path/to/checkpoint --dataset path/to/test.jsonl --save_path path/to/results.json

To get the results for the different text modalities, run

python -m nougat.metrics path/to/results.json

We also provide the nougat-json-to-csv Python script to help combine the results from several experiments, each in their own JSON file, into a single CSV files showing all of the results in a table. To use it, just change the file_mapping within the file to have as a key the name you want for the experiment, and as a value the JSON file containing the results of that experiment, and pass as an argument to the script the name of the output CSV file to create:

./nougat-json-to-csv results.csv


This repository builds on top of the Nougat repository.


Official implementation of our ECCVW paper "μgat: Improving Single-Page Document Parsing by Providing Multi-Page Context"



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