Life is like a hurricane here in Shellville
Needed me a toolchain to wrangle this shell hell
A syncing mystery with versioned history
Dotfiles! (Woo-oo!)
This repo's my attempt to repro
Dotfiles! (Woo-oo!)
Configs, options, run commands, and
profiles! (Woo-oo!)
I'm in the process of migrating my old dev repo here, as well as using some more advanced techniques that I have siloed on my work machine.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install antidote
I was previously using zinit. I was excited by the idea of its power, speed, and feature set, but trying to learn its syntax was a bear in 2022. Reflecting on this I am not enough of a power user to need its capabilities. After reading the zsh-bench article I've come to realize that other managers can be good enough. So I'm trying out antidote.
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --apply $GITHUB_USERNAME
This is a more interesting problem to me, keeping my dotfiles synced. I know a lot of folks use symlinks, but I am intrigued by the declarative template approach.