This is a fork of the code related to the paper Learning to Generate Reviews and Discovering Sentiment (Alec Radford, Rafal Jozefowicz, Ilya Sutskever).
It supports two use major use cases.
from encoder import Model
mdl = Model()
review_completed = mdl.generate_sequence("I couldn’t figure out", override={2388 : 1.0})
Optional constraints for generate_sequence
shape the review to its desired length, tone and variance. For example, the parameters above complete the phrase with a postive sentiment by fixing the infamous neuron 2388 to 1.0.
Stochastic and/or argmax sampling are used to vary the completed phrase. For an explanation of all parameters refer to the docstring and for example usage refer to
Some reviews that have been generated:
from encoder import Model
model = Model()
text = ['demo!']
text_features = model.transform(text)