./gradlew install
gradlew.bat install
If you open this in IntelliJ IDEA, in the "Import Project from Gradle" dialog, select "Use customizable gradle wrapper".
You will see the name Gambit throughout our code samples. This was the code name used for Cogs prior to release.
import com.gambit.sdk.GambitSDKService;
// Hex encoded access-key from one of your api keys in the Web UI.
String accessKey;
// Hex encoded client salt/secret pair acquired from /client_secret endpoint and
// associated with above access-key.
String clientSalt;
String clientSecret;
// Create and setup the Cogs SDK service
GambitSDKService cogsService = GambitSDKService.getInstance();
// Shutdown the service when you are done using it (when your program closes).
// You can add this to a shutdown hook if you'd like. It closes all push service
// WebSockets for you so you don't need to do so explicitly.
This API route is used send an event to Cogs.
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.CancelledException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import com.gambit.sdk.GambitResponse;
import com.gambit.sdk.request.GambitRequestEvent;
// This should contain the current time in ISO-8601 format.
String timestamp;
// The name of the namespace for which the event is destined.
String namespace;
// This will be sent along with messages so that you can identify the event which
// "triggered" the message delivery.
String eventName;
// The optional ID of the campaign to which this event is responsing. This can
// either be omitted or set to -1 for no campaign.
Integer campaignId;
// The event attributes whose names and types should match the namespace schema.
LinkedHashMap<String, Object> attributes;
GambitRequestEvent.Builder eventBuilder;
// Assemble the event, but do not build it.
eventBuilder = new GambitRequestEvent.Builder(accessKey, clientSalt, clientSecret)
// Send the event, and receive a Future through which you can handle the outcome
// of the event delivery attempt.
Future<GambitResponse> future = cogsService.sendEvent(eventBuilder);
// In this example we are simply blocking until the operation completes, timing
// out after 15 seconds. If you do no wish to block the calling thread, you will
// need to either poll for completion (future.isDone()) or block for completion
// in another thread (Callable in executor service or explicitly managed thread).
try {
GambitResponse response = future.get(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (CancelledException eCanceled) {
// Handle cancellation
} catch (InterruptedException eInterrupted) {
// Handle interruption
} catch (ExecutionException eExecution) {
// Handle execution error
This API route is used to establish a push WebSocket.
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import com.gambit.sdk.GambitPushService;
GambitPushService.GambitMessageListener messageListener;
// Create the message listener, which handles all incoming messages.
messageListener = (builder, message) -> System.out.println("Message: " + message);
// Add the message listener to the Cogs service.
// The name of the namespace to which the new push service will be bound.
String namespace;
// The primary key attributes for identifyig the topic to which we are
// subscribing. The names and types of each attribute should match the
// namespace schema.
LinkedHashMap<String, Object> attributes;
GambitPushService.Builder pushBuilder;
// Assemble the push service definition, but do not build it.
pushBuilder = new GambitPushService.Builder(accessKey, clientSalt, clientSecret)
// Start the new push service (WebSocket)