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Azure IoT Operations Neo4j

Neo4j deployed onto Azure IoT Operations (AIO) using Terraform.

Getting Started


  • (Optionally for Windows) WSL installed and setup.
  • Azure CLI available on the command line where this will be deployed.
  • Terraform available on the command line where this will be deployed.
  • Cluster with Azure IoT Operations deployed -> This project assumes azure-edge-extensions-aio-iac-terraform was used, however, any cluster with AIO deployed will work.
  • Owner access to a Resource Group with an existing cluster configured and connected to Azure Arc.


  1. Login to the AZ CLI:
    az login --tenant <tenant>
    • Make sure your subscription is the one that you would like to use: az account show.
    • Change to the subscription that you would like to use if needed:
      az account set -s <subscription-id>
  2. Add a <unique-name>.auto.tfvars file to the root of the deploy directory that contains the following:
    // <project-root>/deploy/<unique-name>.auto.tfvars
    name = "<unique-name>"
  3. From the deploy directory execute the following:
    terraform init
    terraform apply


After the Terraform in this project has been applied, you should be able to connect to your cluster using the az connectedk8s proxy command:

az connectedk8s proxy -g rg-<unique-name> -n arc-<unique-name>

Copy out the neo4j-db-auth secret to get the username and password for the newly deploy Neo4j.

kubectl get secret neo4j-db-auth --namespace azure-iot-operations -o jsonpath="{.data.NEO4J_AUTH}" | base64 --decode
# The value will be in the format <username>/<password>

Setup port forwarding in two consoles for the Neo4j admin service ports to allow access to the Neo4j dashboard from your local browser.

# First console

kubectl port-forward service/neo4j-admin 7474:7474 -n azure-iot-operations
# Second console

kubectl port-forward service/neo4j-admin 7687:7687 -n azure-iot-operations

Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:7474/browser. Enter in the username and password from the earlier step.


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