An AI package for Elixir that focuses on higher level application concerns. It will include an AI UI component library for Phoenix.
In your mix.exs
While in active Alpha development it is probably best to pull it from Github
def deps do
{:mulberry, github: "agoodway/mulberry", branch: "main"}
def deps do
{:mulberry, "~> 0.1.0"}
In your runtime.exs
config :langchain, openai_key: System.get_env("OPENAI_API_KEY")
config :mulberry, brave_api_key: System.get_env("BRAVE_API_KEY")
import Flamel.Wrap, only: [ok: 1]
alias Mulberry.Document
alias Flamel.Result
defp handle_upload(socket, entry) do
{:ok, text} =
consume_uploaded_entry(socket, entry, fn %{path: path} ->
%{path: path, mime: entry.client_type}
|> Document.load()
|> file -> file.contents end)
|> ok()
|> assign(:file, AsyncResult.loading())
|> start_async(:file, fn -> Files.parse_text(text) end)
The above example uses Flamel to handle :ok and :error tuples. See
and ok/1
Generate a summary of a web pages from a Brave Search API query:
alias Mulberry.Search.Brave
alias Mulberry.Document
# this chain can be applied to any Mulberry.Document whether it is a web page or an image file
def load_and_generate_summary(chain) do
|> Chain.apply(&Document.load/1)
|> Chain.apply(&Document.generate_summary/1)
|> Chain.to_tuple()
end, "what is the best cake recipe?")
# apply this sequence of operations to each document returned from the search query
# remove any results that resulted in an error
|> Enum.filter(&Result.ok?/1)
The chain above could be applied to ei
The above example uses Flamel chain a couple operations on the document and filter non-ok results. See Flamel.Chain
and Result.ok?/1
- Text to audio
- Audio to text
- Video to text
- Add embeddings to Text module
- Typesense Search Adapter
- Streaming audio and video support
- Agents
- Implement other file types
- Backfill tests
- and much much more...
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at