Python Script that sets OpenRGB Ledstripe to pywal colors
needs openrgb server running (simply click the button to start OpenRGB Server in the GUI)
use a systemd unit file starts the openRGB server/service on startup cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/openrgb.service
[Unit] Description=Run openrgb server lm_sensors.service
[Service] Type=simple RemainAfterExit=yes ExecStart=/usr/bin/openrgb --server ExecStop=/usr/bin/killall openrgb Restart=always
systemctl daemon-reload systemctl start openrgb systemctl enable openrgb
i trigger the script with this (also let's me set a wallpaper): alias wallpaper='wal --backend colorz -i "$(sxiv -tfbo ~/.local/share/wallpapers)" && ~/.config/wal/'
Many parts of the script are copied from another python script by someone else - I edit this README as soon as I find it.