An AWS Lambda for sending deployment updates to Slack. Supports GitHub Actions and CodePipeline deployments.
You need to create a shared S3 bucket and an IAM role. Those can be shared across all your instance of the Slack Notifier lambda.
If you prefer, you can use the prerequisites module to create the bucket and the role with all the right policies. To do so, first init the prerequisites module in your Terraform project:
module "slack_notifier_prerequisites" {
source = "[email protected]:agendrix/slack-notifier.git//terraform/prerequisites?ref=v1.0.2"
aws_s3_bucket_name = "slack-deployments-notifications"
aws_iam_role_name = "RoleForSlackNotifier"
aws_iam_policy_name = "PolicyForSlackNotifier"
This will create a shared S3 bucket and the IAM role & policy required for every instance of the Slack Notifier.
You will need to generate some tokens:
: Follow the Slack documentation here.github_oauth_token
: Token to fetch private repository from GitHub.
If you want to get notifications for a GitHub Actions deployment, append this to your terraform:
module "gh_slack_notifications" {
source = "[email protected]:agendrix/slack-notifier.git//terraform?ref=v1.0.2"
lambda_name = "gh-actions-slack-notifier"
repo = {
owner = "org"
name = "example"
branch = "main"
slack_config = {
channel = "#my-app"
url = ""
access_token = var.slack_access_token
deployment_type = "GitHub Actions"
api_secret = var.api_secret
environment = var.environment
github_oauth_token = var.github_oauth_token
bucket = module.slack_notifier_prerequisites.bucket
role_arn = module.slack_notifier_prerequisites.role_arn
The module output the aws_lambda_function
function (module.gh_slack_notifications.lambda_function
In order to be able to receive http request to the lambda, you will need to hook it up with an AWS API Gateway.
You can do so by following this guide: Serverless Applications with AWS Lambda and API Gateway.
To prevent anyone outside of your workflow to ping the lambda API, generate an api_secret
This can be anything. You can simply generate one using openssl rand -base64 64 | head -1
Finally, add the GitHub action to your GitHub workflow by following this example.
If you want to get notifications for an AWS CodePipeline deployment, append this to your terraform:
module "codepipeline_slack_notifications" {
source = "[email protected]:agendrix/slack-notifier.git//terraform?ref=v1.0.2"
lambda_name = "codepipeline-slack-notifier"
slack_channel = "#my-app"
slack_url = ""
repo = {
owner = "org"
name = "example"
branch = "main"
deployment_type = "CodePipeline"
codepipeline_refs = {
region = var.region
account_id = var.account_id
codepipeline = aws_codepipeline.codepipeline
codedeploy_deployment_group = aws_codedeploy_deployment_group.codedeploy_deployment_group
ecr_ref_repository =
environment = var.environment
slack_access_token = var.slack_access_token
github_oauth_token = var.github_oauth_token
shared_module = module.shared_slack_notifier_module
Now, your CodePipeline will send notification update to Slack on every deployment.