include './client/Client.php';
include './client/src/captcha/ImageToText.php';
include './client/src/captcha/RecaptchaV2.php';
include './client/src/captcha/HCaptcha.php';
$client = new Client("your_client_key");
//solve image captcha
$body = "base64_captcha_image";
$imageRequest = new ImageToTextRequest($body);
$imageResult = $client->solve($imageRequest);
//solve Recaptcha 2 (without proxy)
$websiteURL = "";
$websiteKey = "6Lcg7CMUAAAAANphynKgn9YAgA4tQ2KI_iqRyTwd";
$recaptchaV2Request = new RecaptchaV2Request($websiteURL, $websiteKey);
$recaptchaV2Result = $client->solve($recaptchaV2Request);
// solve HCaptcha (without proxy)
$websiteUrl = "";
$websiteKey = "472fc7af-86a4-4382-9a49-ca9090474471";
$hcatpchaRequest = new HCaptchaRequest($websiteURL, $websiteKey);
$hcaptchaResult = $client->solve($hcatpchaRequest);
The result of the solve method always contains two fields: bool result, a request success indicator, and a mixed message field containing a text description of the error or an object of a successful response from the server.
- FunCaptchaTask
- FunCaptchaTaskProxyless
- GeeTestTask
- GeeTestTaskProxyless
- HCaptchaTask
- HCaptchaTaskProxyless
- ImageToTextTask
- RecaptchaV2Task
- RecaptchaV2TaskProxyless
- RecaptchaV3TaskProxyless
- RecaptchaV2EnterpriseTask
- RecaptchaV2EnterpriseTaskProxyless
- TurnstileTask
- TurnstileTaskProxyless
- ComplexImageRecaptcha
- ComplexImageHCaptcha
- ComplexImageFuncaptcha