0.26.0 - 2024-09-03
The Pixel City championship got its 3rd track: The Island.
The "rotate camera" option is back! Thanks to Compl Yue for this work!
Pixel Wheels now speaks Galician, thanks to Ninjum!
In the menus, the "back" and "next" buttons are now reachable via keyboard navigation.
The AI pilot got a bit smarter: it knows about the different ground materials and tries to overtake vehicles instead of bumping into them.
The Spanish translation is now maintained by Victor Hck.
The behavior when hit by a bullet, missile or when triggering a mine is now less punishing. Instead of doing a 360 and getting pushed away, the vehicle motor temporarily shuts down and emits smoke (#418).
The support part of the configuration screen has been moved to a nicer, dedicated "SUPPORT" screen. This screen provide links to Pixel Wheels shop and to the support page (on builds where it is authorized).
The BRGP42 and Rocket vehicles are now a bit faster.
Steering is now smoother, especially on Android.
- Desktop: moving mouse over a menu item no longer makes it the current item.
- Helicopter behavior has been improved: there should no longer be stuck helicopters, or continuously playing helicopter sounds.