Sample client code for PHD2 server API - C++, C#, and python versions. If you need a different language binding please let me know.
#include "guider.h"
// instantiate a guider object that will connect to PHD2 running on "localhost"
Guider guider("localhost");
// connect to PHD2
bool ok = guider.Connect();
if (!ok)
std::cerr << "could not connect to phd2: " << guider.LastError() << std::endl;
// connect gear in the equipment profile named Simulator
ok = guider.ConnectEquipment("Simulator");
if (!ok)
std::cerr << "could not connect equipment: " << guider.LastError() << std::endl;
// start guiding with settle tolerance of 2.0 pixels, 10 second settle time, 100-second timeout
ok = guider.Guide(2.0, 10.0, 100.0);
See phd2client.cpp for a more complete example.
using guider;
using (Guider guider = Guider.Factory("localhost"))
// connect to PHD2
// connect equipment in profile "Simulator"
// start guiding with settle tolerance of 2.0 pixels, 10 second settle time, 100-second timeout
guider.Guide(2.0, 10.0, 100.0);
catch (GuiderException ex)
// Guider exception
Console.WriteLine("Guider Error: {0}", ex.Message);
See SampleClient.cs for a more complete example.
from guider import Guider, GuiderException
with Guider("localhost") as guider:
# connect to PHD2
# connect equipment in profile "Simulator"
# start guiding with settle tolerance of 2.0 pixels, 10 second settle time, 100-second timeout
guider.Guide(2.0, 10.0, 100.0)
except GuiderException as ex:
print(f"Guider Error: {ex}")
See for a more complete example.