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Initiate a bootstrap project with webpack and fontawsome customizable sass

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Customized Bootstrap and fontawsome SASS with webpack

This is a tutorial for setting up a sample project with bootstrap 4, webpack 4 and fontawsome free 5 all with customizable sass. There will be two pages a login and a welcome pages with some customized colors.

To keep it simple no modern javascript library or framework. So this sample can not be used in real project and need many tweaks.

git clone

Project Structure

Open package.json. The dependencies are four packages which will be needed during development. The devDependencies are lot, Don't worry these are all required for customization.

  "dependencies": {
    "@fortawesome/fontawesome-free": "^5.3.1",
    "bootstrap": "^4.1.3",
    "jquery": "^3.3.1",
    "popper.js": "^1.14.4"

Again in package.json there are two scripts. Create final pages in dist folder by calling webpack. 2.start runs a small web server named webpack-dev-server which cache files in memory and watch changes during development.

Open webpack.config.js this is hurt of the webpack. This file is picked up automatically by webpack. In the webpack world, the files are come in (entry), the webpack process them with modules base on rules and output them. Each module and plugin can be configured in many ways. The entry has the list of our pages the HtmlWebpackPlugin helps webpack to build two html for us. ( In modern SPA development one page entry is enough)

Have a look at login.js and welcome.js here.

Open login.html. This is a bootstrap sample for login page but no css, js, svg ... included!

Let's see login.js. There are lots of imports there.

//Import styles
import "./login.css";
import "./assets/scss/project.scss";

//Import image if page needs them
import bootstrapIcon from "./assets/images/bootstrap-solid.svg";

document.getElementById('bootIcon').src = bootstrapIcon;

Even sass and pictures are imported. This is what webpack do. We just define what we want webpack bundled it for us. We could want any thing, any thing that webpack understands or at least there is a loader for it. Webpack could do even more, for example if it is scss file webpack process it by using sass-loader, style-loader,... and make final css.

Have you noticed this line document.getElementById('bootIcon').src = bootstrapIcon. The index.js is responsible for setting images in login.html. The hard hard work is done by webpack so we can import images by import bootstrapIcon from "./assets/images/bootstrap-solid.svg";

In this configuration the webpack loads images ( see: test: /\.(png|jpg|gif|svg)$/ in webpack.config.js) Convert images to base64 strings if they are 8kb and change its name. You can deal with images any way you want, but not a good idea to access them directly in your html.

    test: /\.(png|jpg|gif|svg)$/,
    loader: "url-loader",
    options: {
        limit: 8000, // Convert images < 8kb to base64 strings
        name: "img/[name].[ext]"

Let's play to see the webpack power

cd customized-bootstrap-sass-webpack
npm install
npm run start

Open your browser at or I have made some color changes and will let you know how this is done.

Open assets\scss\custom-bootstrap.scss all the bootstrap variables can be changed here and the webpack-dev-server detect changes compile scss to css and inject it to html ( for better performance generate files will be saved in memory so the dist folder is empty now). To see all bootstrap variables go to scss/_variables.scss. Change $body-bg in custom-bootstrap.scss to see immediate changes. A complete guide at

Open the assets\scss\ can customize font awsome here:

//customize webfont. The complete list at: fontawesome-free\scss\_variables.scss
$fa-font-path: '~@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/webfonts';
$fa-border-color:  #f00;

@import '~@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome';
@import '~@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/solid';
@import '~@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/regular';
@import '~@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands';

Open the welcome.js here we have import 'bootstrap'; this page uses navigation and we need bootstrap js files too.

Build the site

To have the final pages run:

npm run build

Open the dist the htmls are there. There is no css as the css is bundled in js files. The fonts are loaded directly.


Initiate a bootstrap project with webpack and fontawsome customizable sass







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