This is a work in progress. Crashes are expected to happen.
A database ORM. Currently only supports PostgreSQL but the goal is to let other database drivers be easily written. The current PostgreSQL driver uses libpq.
First, a model needs to be defined. A model requires two definitions, Table
which denotes the table name, and Allocator
which specifies the allocator used on a select query.
const User = struct {
// required declarations used by the orm
pub const Table = "test_table";
pub const Allocator = std.testing.allocator;
test_value: []const u8,
test_num: u32,
test_bool: bool,
Next, a database connection needs to be established.
const PqDatabase = Database(PqDriver);
var db = PqDatabase.init(std.testing.allocator);
try db.connect("postgres://testuser:testpassword@localhost:5432/testdb");
Now, we can try to insert a User.
var new_user = User{
.test_value = "foo",
.test_num = 42,
.test_bool = true
try db.insert(User, new_user).send();
Or, we can select a User and even specify "where" conditions.
if (try{ .test_value = "foo" }).send()) |model| {
// required to clean up the select result
defer db.deinitModel(model);
std.testing.expect(std.mem.eql(u8, model.test_value, "foo"));
You can also specify the select query to return an array of models
if (try[]UserModel).send()) |models| {
// required to clean up the select result
defer db.deinitModel(models);