Parking Meter Robbery Script For QBCORE, Easy To Config!
DRAG coins.ogg FILE INTO [standalone]/interact-sound/html/sounds
IF USING ps-dispatch THEN GO INTO THE client/main.lua and go to policeAlert() and uncomment the export
PASTE THIS INTO ps-dispatch/server/sv_dispatchcodes.lua
["parkingmeterrobbery"] = {displayCode = '10-90', description = "Parking Meter(s) Being Robbed", radius = 0, recipientList = {'police'}, blipSprite = 267, blipColour = 4, blipScale = 1.5, blipLength = 2, sound = "robberysound", offset = "false"},
PASTE THIS INTO ps-dispatch/client/cl_extraalerts.lua
local function ParkingMeterRobbery()
local currentPos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
local locationInfo = getStreetandZone(currentPos)
local gender = GetPedGender()
dispatchcodename = "parkingmeterrobbery", -- has to match the codes in sv_dispatchcodes.lua so that it generates the right blip
dispatchCode = "10-90",
firstStreet = locationInfo,
gender = gender,
model = nil,
plate = nil,
priority = 2, -- priority
firstColor = nil,
automaticGunfire = false,
origin = {
x = currentPos.x,
y = currentPos.y,
z = currentPos.z
dispatchMessage = 'Parking Meter Robbery', -- message
job = {"police"} -- jobs that will get the alerts
end exports('ParkingMeterRobbery', ParkingMeterRobbery)