This projet contains the CMake files necessary to start a C/C++ project targeting the STM32 microcontroller. The toolchain is free and cross-plateform: Sourcery CodeBench Lite Edition.
This section describes the installation of the tools needed to build the example.
Sourcery CodeBench Lite is a C/C++ toolchain able to produce binaries for the STM32 microcontroller. It can be downloaded from the Menthor Graphics website:
- Choose ARM/EABI Release
- Fill out the form to receive an email containing a link to the installer. At the time of writting, the recommanded version of the installer is 2011-09-69. During the installation, add the PATH of the arm-eabi-xxx.exe to the environement variables.
CMake is a build system that simplify the managment of large/multiplatform/multilibraries/... projects. Download and install the latest version of CMake: CMake v2.8.8
ST provides libraries that simplify the use of the STM32 microcontroller. Download the library package corresponding the STM32 family:
- STM32F10x: STM32F4 DSP and standard peripherals library
- STM32F4xx: STM32F10x standard peripherals library
The tags section provides somewhat stable releases.
To use the CMake files provided in another projet: The example folder is called $EXAMPLE and the new project folder is referenced as $PROJECT.
- Copy the $EXAMPLE/CMake folder and $EXAMPLE/CMakeLists.txt into the $PROJECT directory.
- Open CMakeLists.txt and modify the following variables to reflect the state of the new projet:
- STM32_DENSITY (only with STM32F10x family)
- Add/Removes files from the source list in the add_executable statement but keep STM32_SOURCES and STM32_STARTUP_SOURCE.
Some links that have proven to be useful during this project:
- "CMake documentation":
- "CMake cross-compiling":
- "CMake and STM32":
- "STM32 CMSIS & StdPeriph libraries":