TeamCity plugin that allows sending notifications to Flowdock on build events. No authentication needed, it works with flow source tokens.
For instructions on how to use see here.
Use Maven 3.3.9 or newer.
Issue 'mvn package' command from the root project to build your plugin. Resulting package .zip will be placed in 'target' directory.
To install the plugin, put zip archive to 'plugins' dir under TeamCity data directory and restart the server.
- build level settings
- add more event information to notifications
- user defined/customized messages for notifications
- add support for Flowdock OAuth
- custom actions for threads (create issue in bug tracker if broken build, open drop folder, open web app etc.)
- view test results in notification
- custom user image (instead or if no Gravatar)
- more options to customize behaviour
Big thanks to tcSlackBuildNotifier which was quite useful for finding out how TeamCity and a custom notifier work :)