Command line tool for building AEM Mobile apps with Cordova content
- Mac OS X (iOS and Android)
- Windows (Android only)
Mac OS X:
- node (v6.2.2 or greater) must be installed
- For iOS, Xcode(v7.0 or greater) must be installed
- For Android, Java must be installed:
- For Android, Chrome needs to be installed for debugging HTML content via chrome://inspect
- Java SDK:
- VisualStudio Community 2015:
- node (v6.2.2 or greater):
- Python 2.7:
- Chrome needs to be installed for debugging HTML content via chrome://inspect
You need npm installed to run the command line tool. On Windows, run commands in PowerShell instead of Command Prompt.
- Install npm:
- Install aemm:
sudo npm install -g aemm
If that doesn't work, do the following...
- Install npm
- Get the app from the repo and then use npm install and link.
git clone
cd aemmobile
sudo npm -g install
sudo npm link
For Android, you may see a couple compilation errors related to node-gyp when running "npm install" on Mac OS X and Windows. It's safe to ignore them. They don't affect the functionalities of this tool.
If the installation fails due to errors with a specific module, troubleshoot by clearing your npm cache and reinstalling.
sudo npm remove -g aemm
sudo npm cache clean
sudo npm install -g aemm
This will resolve current issues with the npm async module.
There are 2 types of workflow this tool is designed for:
- Developing custom HTML content.
- Developing custom application with custom plugins.
Command samples below are not always proceeded with sudo. Some commands on MAC will fail without it. For instance, permissions may not be available to set temporary and necessary environment variables. If you encounter errors, try using sudo before the command.
Commands for both workflows:
aemm platform install <platform>
sudo aemm platform install android
Accept several Android SDK license agreements. This installs and updates various Android SDKs, build tools and setup system environment for developing Android application. You may need to open a new terminal to have the new system environment settings take effect.
sudo aemm platform install ios
aemm project create [PROJECT_NAME or PATH]
aemm project create TestProject
aemm project create /path/to/TestProject
You must run the following commands inside the directory created with aemm project create [PROJECT_NAME or PATH]
aemm article create [articleName]
aemm article create Article1
aemm article create Article1 Article2 Article3
aemm app install <platform>
aemm app install ios
aemm app install android
aemm app install --list
aemm app install ios 2016.5
You must run the following commands inside the directory created with aemm project create [PROJECT_NAME or PATH]
aemm run [platform]
aemm run ios
aemm run android
aemm run ios --list
aemm run ios --target "iPhone-6s, 9.2"
Note: The run
command without the --device
parameter will run the application in the emulator/simulator.
You must run the following commands inside the directory created with aemm project create [PROJECT_NAME or PATH]
Add the platforms you want to target your application for:
aemm platform add [platform]
aemm platform add android
aemm platform add ios
Add the plugins you want to be included in your application:
aemm plugin add [plugin_0] [plugin_1] [...]
aemm plugin add cordova-plugin-device cordova-plugin-contacts
aemm build [platform]
aemm build android
aemm build ios --device
Note: the --device
parameter for the build
command is for ios only.
aemm run [platform]
aemm run ios
aemm run android
aemm run android --device
aemm run ios --list
aemm run ios --target "iPhone-6s, 9.2"
Note: The run
command without the --device
parameter will run the application in the emulator/simulator.
aemm was built on cordova and delegates many commands to cordova-lib. You may experience errors that recommend that you try to run a cordova command. In most of such cases, please first try to replace cordova with aemm, then execute the recommended action.