This plugin defines a global context
object, which provides access to entity information within a given context.
Although the object is in the global scope, it is not available until after the deviceready
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
cordova plugin add aemm-plugin-context
- context.type
- context.entity
- context.collection
- context.nextEntity
- context.previousEntity
The context.type
returns the type of the current context. The possible
types are article
, overlay
, or card
:warning: card is not yet supported.
- Android
- iOS
- Windows
var string =;
The context.entity
returns an Entity object that contains information
about the entity in the current context.
- Android
- iOS
- Windows
var currentEntity =;
The context.collection
returns an Entity object representing the collection
for the current context. This property can be null if the current context is
an orphaned context.
- Android
- iOS
- Windows
var currentCollection =
The context.nextEntity
returns an Entity object for the next available entity.
- Android
- iOS
- Windows
var nextEntity =;
The context.previousEntity
returns an Entity object for previous available entity.
var prevEntity =;
- Android
- iOS
- Windows
- context.getEntity(entityName, entityType, forceUpdate, successCallback, errorCallback)
- context.getEntitlementInfo(entityOrEntityList, successCallback, errorCallback)
- context.getEntityStatus(entity, successCallback, errorCallback)
- context.saveEntity(entity, isSilent, successCallback, errorCallback)
- context.archiveEntity(entity, successCallback, errorCallback)
- context.getSavedEntities(successCallback, errorCallback)
A method that returns an Entity object given the entityName and the entityType
Parameter | Type | Description |
entityName | String | The name of the entity. This must match the name found on Content Portal |
entityType | String | The type of entity. Must match values found in Entity.type |
forceUpdate | BOOL | If 'true', always query the server for the latest version |
successCallback | Function | The success callback |
errorCallback | Function | The error callback |
- Android
- iOS
A method that returns entitlement information for an entity of type collection, or an EntityList object that contains collections. If a non collection Entity object is passed, then we will immediately return CQMContextError.WRONG_ENTITY_TYPE_ERROR. If an EntityList object is passed, only entitlementInfo for collection objects will be returned. If there are no collections, the returning array will be empty.
Parameter | Type | Description |
entityOrEntityList | Entity or EntityList | The entity to obtain entitlement information for. Or the entityList that contains a list of entities to obtain entitlement information for. |
successCallback | Function | The success callback |
errorCallback | Function | The error callback |
- Android
- iOS
A method that returns status for an Entity such as isSavable, downloadPercent, downloadState. (Currently only supports Collection)
Parameter | Type | Description |
entity | Entity | Entity we want to get status for. |
successCallback | Function | The success callback |
errorCallback | Function | The error callback |
- Android
- iOS
A method that saves an entity. (Currently only supports Collection)
Parameter | Type | Description |
entity | Entity | Entity we want to save. |
isSilent | BOOL | If we want to save the entity in the background with no notification (Android only). |
successCallback | Function | The success callback that will be called everytime there is a progress update. The callback is given an array that contains two values: 1. The latest known entity that was saved, 2. The download percentage |
errorCallback | Function | The error callback |
- Android
- iOS
A method that archives an entity. (Currently only supports Collection)
Parameter | Type | Description |
entity | Entity | Entity we want to archive. |
successCallback | Function | The success callback |
errorCallback | Function | The error callback |
- Android
- iOS
A method that returns all entities that can be archived. This includes entities that are completely saved, or partially saved. (Currently only supports Collection)
Parameter | Type | Description |
successCallback | Function | The success callback |
errorCallback | Function | The error callback |
- Android
- iOS
- Entity.type
- Entity.metadata
- getThumbnailImage(width, height, successCallback, errorCallback)
- getBackgroundImage(width, height, successCallback, errorCallback)
- getSocialSharingImage(width, height, successCallback, errorCallback)
- getChildren(successCallback, errorCallback)
the ID of the entity.
- Android
- iOS
- Windows
var string =;
The Entity.type
returns the type of the entity.
Current supported types are: 'article', 'collection', and 'banner'
- Android
- iOS
- Windows
var string =;
The Entity.rootPath
can be used as a reference to build a path to a resource contained within an article.
- Android
- iOS
On Windows, article content is not accessible through filesystem traversal. You can access them as absolute urls like this (or through XHR):
<img src="/anyAsset.png" />
var string =;
The Entity.metadata
returns a metadata object with properties describing the entity.
- Android
- iOS
- Windows
var metadata =;
Name | Type | Support for Entity |
department | String | Article, Collection, Banner |
importance | String | Article, Collection, Banner |
keywords | Array of Strings | Article, Collection, Banner |
title | String | Article, Collection, Banner |
shortTitle | String | Article, Collection, Banner |
shortAbstract | String | Article, Collection, Banner |
availabilityDate | String | Article, Collection, Banner |
socialShareUrl | String | Article, Collection, Banner |
category | String | Article, Collection, Banner |
abstract | String | Article, Collection, Banner |
published | String | Article, Collection, Banner |
modified | String | Article, Collection, Banner |
created | String | Article, Collection, Banner |
version | String | Article, Collection, Banner |
entityName | String | Article, Collection, Banner |
url | String | Article, Collection, Banner |
author | String | Article |
authorUrl | String | Article |
articleText | String | Article |
accessState | String | Article |
hideFromBrowsePage | Boolean | Article |
isAd | Boolean | Article |
adType | String | Article |
adCategory | String | Article |
advertiser | String | Article |
isIssue | Boolean | Collection |
allowDownload | Boolean | Collection |
openTo | String | Collection |
readingPosition | String | Collection |
lateralNavigation | Boolean | Collection |
productIds | Array of Strings | Collection |
tapAction | String | Banner |
- Android
- iOS
- Windows
var string =;
A method that returns file url to the thumbnail image as argument of the success callback. Supported on the Article and Collection entities.
Parameter | Type | Description |
width | Number | The requested width |
height | Number | The requested height |
successCallback | Function | The success callback |
errorCallback | Function | The error callback |
- Android
- iOS
- Windows
A method that returns file url to the background image as argument of the success callback. Supported on the Collection entity.
Parameter | Type | Description |
width | Number | The requested width |
height | Number | The requested height |
successCallback | Function | The success callback |
errorCallback | Function | The error callback |
- Android
- iOS
- Windows
A method that returns file url to the social sharing image as argument of the success callback. Supported on the Collection Entity.
Parameter | Type | Description |
width | Number | The requested width |
height | Number | The requested height |
successCallback | Function | The success callback |
errorCallback | Function | The error callback |
- Android
- iOS
- Windows
A method that returns an EntityList object that will contain all the non-restricted child entities for this collection that are in the cache. If none exist, we will attempt to download the first server page of children Supported on the Collection Entity.
Parameter | Type | Description |
successCallback | Function | The success callback |
errorCallback | Function | The error callback |
- Android
- iOS
- EntityList.entities
- EntityList.hasNextPage
- getNextPage(successCallback, errorCallback)
The EntityList.entities is an array that contains Entity objects.
- Android
- iOS
The EntityList.hasNextPage is a BOOL determines if there are sibling entities yet to be retrieved.
- Android
- iOS
A method that updates the EntityList object with additional Entity items. It also updates the hasNextPage property.
Parameter | Type | Description |
successCallback | Function | The success callback |
errorCallback | Function | The error callback |